
Wow that's a great link! Thank you for posting it. They look really awesome, too bad they weren't sponsored.

Oh man that looks badass; I wonder how they fair against the other cars.

Gots to reads da comments tho!

THAT looks so nice ...

What I like about this is that unknowingly they are changing the molecular structure of the steel and are likely making it weaker. It's just a bad accident waiting to happen when that spring breaks in a corner at high speed.

Yeah! Nitro!!!

Aston Martin V8 Vantage GT - Revlon Edition

Italian airbags always work best.

A nip here, a tuck there. The 2015 Ford Focus ST is still the ST you've come to know and love, just sharpened. Which means it's probably still awesome.

That's not a stool; it's used to support bombs or fuel tanks.

That's really cool, you should marry her.

Just one word: FUGLY.

This is it.

MILF. It does a body good!

It would be awesome if Doc Brown would say to me:

C'mon guys, wheels not rims.

The pilot(s) would never remind him; it would not be the correct protocol.

Yes that's exactly what I was thinking. After the guy takes off it's no longer about a simple traffic violation. It became a crime and good for the cop for trying to stop him.

That C-Pillar brings it all together!