Well I would say this is "pretty dominant".
... and if I met a chick that drove this car I would do anything to go out with her so that maybe I'd get a chance at driving it one day.
... and that's a good thing in my book. I'd get this over a 911 any day of the week!
Hey at least its being upfront about what it intends to do to you if you run onto it on the road.
Sup indeed, the beetle should/might smoke it.
That's all Porsche's fault for never wanting to evolve their design.
6.) DeTomaso
Because its a WRX! XD
Yeah but they are so much heavier than stock. Also the cost to replace the pads and rotors might be phenomenal. They should add 10 more HP someway/somehow with this package.
This is what you do: get your son to read Jalopnik with you, show him the article and ask him if he wants his power wheels truck to look like that. If he says yes make it a father son project.
Glad to be of assistance!
Man, well this really sucks! I make a comment that's finally good enough to be a COTD and now it no longer exists!
My last paycheck was $11,500 working only 5 days a mon ....