Hmm, not exactly but I guess so yeah. Look in my opinion it looks like it (including color) and other people think so too so take a chill pill too.
Hmm, not exactly but I guess so yeah. Look in my opinion it looks like it (including color) and other people think so too so take a chill pill too.
Wow! You are hilarious too! You even type in all caps and everything. Listen this is just a website, its not a big deal. Relax ...
Don't believe the tires, those were not good years. Only 180-90 horsepower from a 5.7l V8? You must be having a laugh.
You know, this fish's mother thinks her kid is good looking!
Now that you say that ... I know! I'm sorry! I will go to the corner now and stay there for 30 minutes.
Eighteen people agree with me, none with you so ... yeah there is that.
They would if they have played Gran Turismo or other video games or for that matter have access to a computer and can Google it.
WOW! Dude seriously? When you wrote this I was having a drink with some friends, you know relaxing after work, and in case you are wondering, I had a great time!
Ha yeah that IS pretty cool. If I had that car I'd be playing with the doors all the time.
Hmmm, I think the real answer is to elongate the nose a bit.
Oh I see what's happening here! Do the doors get lowered to the side body panel? Very interesting.
I'm ok with it not having doors, I just think they could have finished that better. It looks a bit sloppy.
They are so adorable!!!! I just want to hug them and squeeze them forever!!!!
Not bad at all, very cool.
Yes and no; I'm sure they had some beauties but I'm still partial to American designs.