
Very nice pictures of both fighters; seeing those fighters together make me feel like this:

I think soon it will be "was an asshole".

She is beautiful, I still prefer my three Americans (F-14, F4 and A10) but she could be my Russian mail order bride I maintain in a condo in the North side.

Agreed, I think (so that future generations also get to know the F-14) there should be at least 3 in every air show.

-Mustang 2.3T

LOL! Nice man, nice.

The F-16 is also very sexy, I just don't like them with the spine. My first two toy planes in the world were an F-16 and an F-4.

$kaycog you have outdone yourself today, I can go home happy now :)

But no girl!

My thoughts on the F4 are more regarding the visual characteristics of it, I just think it's a very cool looking fighter. I'm not comparing the two regarding performance just like their looks that's all.

And I get your reply too and I am also a Mustang owner. I think we were just joking around regarding that very long run-on sentence he wrote. In college I got corrected over that same issue so much.

That's not bad but I still have to go with the F-14. Its like choosing between a brunette or a red head, and I choose red head.

There is nothing wrong with a little fat from some angles in my book.

The F-14 Tomcat is the sexiest jet fighter ever! With the F-4 Phantom close behind.

Needs mo headrest yo!

Late bloomer.

You leave Falcor out of this!

It took him a while but he finally found the period.

This is from the mid 80's Batman vs Judge Dredd:

Wait ... you are a TC driver? Really? It's you that doesn't belong here because YOU are driving a fake car.