
You should be!

The shape of the area where there are no clouds reminds me of this:

This is awesome, looks like Iron Man hitting the afterburners.

I would say its more of a replicator; related technologies. Still very cool.

This thing looks stout!

Now this one is intriguing!

Someone please post a photo of the TT's so I can see them. You know for reference ...

What they should have done with Pontiac is only keep their performance cars around. Why every manufacturer wants to have a full line-up (minivans, SUVs, sedans, etc.) is beyond comprehension.

If the modern version of this scene is NOT in the current release I will be EXTREMELY disappointed!

That hair!

I really like this one!

You watch it in awe and hope it never dies!

44. Yuffie

67. Lulu

$kay, you are the best Jalop ever!

That looks so terrible and it makes me sad. Going to go turn on my NES and play TMNT for a while to forget this debauchery.

Also if we then bring back the more robust new species back to Earth and it wipes us out then it will prove once and for all that Karma indeed does exist.

Now playing

I'll leave this right here, (its also available in HD on Netflix):

You guys are better at making GIFs than writing stories!

Based on your advice I probably will; I can go for some Castlevania music sometime soon.