
This also looks a LOT like a Metroid map!

She does not have to find them, repeat: she does NOT have to find those pants :)

Dat stance yo ....

Hmmm ... nope.

Learn your place Annalee, you are talking to Disney ...

They DO exist!

It always surprises me how fast fat people can run.

Hmm no, I don't hope he got away safe. Based on the video I hope the bike rider is paralyzed or worse (not dead, that's too easy).

I can't read the fine print on her shoulder, I wounder if she has more instructions elsewhere. ;)

We ALL thank you! ;)

Whatever works is what I say; I'm about 8 dicks tall.

Sorry but it has to be said; not my fault the writer does not know what an Easter Egg is.

These are not Easter Eggs; as someone who works in the game industry these emblems are not in the traditional sense Easter Eggs.

That's what she said! That's what she said!!

I SO would like to go see that, even if its a one way trip! It would be the best thing ever.

I'll believe it when I see it ... ;)

Wow! Great award! Maybe one day ... ;)

Wow :)


Hey I'm all for it! The more complicated the better! The universe is a complex place; the more data we have the clearer the picture will be.