
Buy a car now! She is waiting inside!

Where is Pluto? If the show the moons of various planets they should also show Pluto.

Reading the name Michael Bay makes me hate Michael Bay.

I don't think "Stunning" is the right word; more like "Shocking" or "Sad".

You are correct again, scientists have known about massive black holes at the center of every galaxy for quite a while in addition to the smaller ones roaming around.

I know you are correct sir; I was just playing "lambs" :)

It cannot be un-seen!

It reads the article again or else it gets the hose again.

WOW $kay! You have outdone yourself this time! Thanks!

None of us did ... :)

I have the DVD box collection, I'm sure they have it on Amazon or something.

I can hear it with that synthesized-icy voice!

Yes its an awesome movie. I think the animated series has a special place in my heart 'cause I used to watch it on TV after school.

Good call!

THIS is one of most favorite episodes of Batman ever!

Served 5 years (4+1 year in Bethesda getting my legs fixed) so yeah I know what it can do BUT I also know when my buddies were being jerks out in town venting frustration.

Oh yeah that looks like a real dangerous situation right there.

Oh I see, very good; thanks for the explanation. Cheers!

Hmm, I don't understand this here, does that mean they wanted to leave but then came back?

Hmm, it's not that I don't like Imprezas, I do but I don't think they are as tough as Benz. They are kinda like Crown Vics, they are workhorses. In Europe and the Middle East they are used as taxi cabs, etc.