
I've never heard of him either. Just because you say he is well known and established does not mean "everyone" knows him.

OMG mate, are you still here? It's not an insult just opinion and by posting your stuff online means you are open to all opinions so take it. Look at your cars and then look at Josiah's. It's very simple, in one shot he nailed it you didn't. The mere fact that you can't see the difference proves my point.

Me too! :-D

You also seem to lack the ability to take artistic critique. Listen man I would easily blame CAD since its not artist's tool but if u wanna take it personal go ahead.

Sorry but no, I don’t think it would be a huge deal, especially for a major manufacturer like Ford. Seriously I'm not trying to be a fanboy but if a smaller manufacturer like those that create body kits for example can create bumpers and side-skirts, headlights and tail lights just a few months after a new design

No offense taken but obviously I meant "Ford take a look at THIS render" :)

Hmmm, no sorry. that's the typical "haters gonna hate" comment. This is different enough to stand on its own and kick Camaro's butt along with the Genesis.

As a 3D artist what the Mustang G6 renders lacked was the artist's touch. If I'm not mistaken the Mustang G6 renders were done in CAD which is not artistically inclined.

This is awesome, Ford needs to take a look at this one. The whole thing is well done, the roof is not gonna fly but the rest is awesome. Great job!

damn u io9 (but i still love u) for directing me to jezzabell! later nutjobs, im out!!

i thought it was terrific, thank you 99.

This one deserves to be mentioned (I would have posted this yesterday but I was on vacation) :)

I was just about to post this. :)

In Russia the ramp escapes you!

Actually I don't blame the guy at all, if that other car was in the lane properly (like everyone else he passed) he might have made the emergency ramp.

The older movies in this list are being taken out of context. Those movies by todays standards are not scary but you have to keep in mind the way people were when those movies came out.

I completely agree with Viper needing a serious re-design. Most people tend to be too conservative and are going to say leave the design alone but this is how you kill cars. Yes the 50+ year olds love it, ok cool; but what about the 20 and 30 somethings? Dodge needs to think of the future and go after those buyers as

Well, it's hard to tell because the video starts after what appears to be some kind of altercation between Lien and Cruz, so it's possible Lien bumped Cruz before Cruz brake checked him. One rider claimed the initial approach around Lien's car was non-violent, but after Lien panicked and drove over Mieses everything

At some point at around 1:30 in the afternoon on the West Side Highway in Manhattan, one of those riders (28-year-old Christopher Cruz) brake-checked the driver of a black Range Rover (33-year-old Alexian Lien). Lien rear-ended Cruz, and a number of bikers swarmed around the Range Rover to see what happened. Lien had

No! not snuffie!