
The original was very long and I unfortunately fell asleep during the movie. Not that it was a bad movie but I made the mistake of watching it when I was very tired. I wanted to give it a second viewing but I had to rewind and return the 2 VHS tapes to the video store to avoid late fees.


You obviously don't know about the thousands and thousands of people that have died crossing that border. If you knew of the actual number of people that have died at border you would think otherwise.

The cave might have existed prior to any of this but the fake Vader was definitely Yoda's fabrication. That's the real test, the cave is just the stage the lesson took place. What was important was the fake Vader teaching Luke an important psychological lesson.

Yoda is wise, he knows that in the end, even after all the physical training he can give Luke the best training he can give him is psychological. He wanted Luke to learn from his own mistakes because that's how people learn. Furthermore people learn more from failure than from success, Yoda likely foresaw Luke's

There is no citation because what I said is my interpretation of the film; if there is someone to be cited then "its me!".

The cave was nothing more than part of his training. It was fabricated by Yoda to teach Luke to control his emotions, something he was not used to as we saw in EP4 when he witnessed Obi-Wan succumb to Vader and started screaming like a girl. This was Yoda's idea, not something preconceived by Luke.

Which is why it makes perfect sense to Lucas.

Looks like someone made a mess ...

Makes for a great fire escape.

If I was there I would leave a bag of peanuts here ...

This is awesome! Jabba would be pleased.

This is a very good reason why:

Exactly what I was thinking ...

I was looking for that too and I would love to see the high-res version.

... and I also forgot Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun which was the only reason I bought that game (I was into StarCraft).

good call, I knew I missed one.

michael biehn