
Fire fighters will tell you they hate electric vehicle fires. They are difficult to extinguish and requires enormous amounts of water compared to an internal combustion engine fire. The number of new EVs with only 10k miles that are total loses because the batteries caught fire are very, very high.

Being unbanked means you are practically living “off the grid.” The potential for digging yourself into a hole from which you will never recover is very high. 

The author of this article misses a significant point: benefit vs. risk.

Cell phone - Keep your old smartphone or buy a cheap (burner) cell phone with texting capability. Test it once a month and keep it charged. Texts often go thru in remote areas where the voice carrier signal does not. And in the US, all cell phones must connect with 911 even if they don’t have a carrier account.

The best Father’s Day tools are gift cards. Unless your Dad tells you explicitly what make / model / size of the tool, do not just buy a drill, or a hand tool, or whatever because it’s on sale.

I can kinda sympathize for folks Back East and the minor inconvenience you are experiencing with your air at the moment. Perhaps you might sympathize for those of us who experience fires, smoke, and air quality numbers that make your present experiences a mild blip on the screen (think double, even triple the AQI

If you’re grossed out about the ice buckets and hotel rooms, how about an article on sit down restaurants and cleaning? While you wait for a table while it’s being “cleaned” the dish rag is used again and again and again, etc., to clean your tabletop, often chairs, etc., without being replaced.

Your headline for this article is misleading. It’s not drought causing this. It’s climate change. The acquifiers are never coming back. The water is never coming back.

The driver counts the number of souls getting into a vehicle before driving, then counts the number of souls exiting the same vehicle when parking, be it at home, the store, at work, etc.

As much as I can feel for the folks in the northeastern US with air quality and smoke, the air quality is mildly discomforting. Cry me a river.

FYI - Your use of the .link domain does not work in my browsers (Brave, Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge) on two different laptops, a smartphone, and a tablet. All refuse to connect because the app used by the domain is not properly credentialed. Please use a more credible URL shortener.

The last time I used an out of office message, I used:

You mean conservatives and their religious supporters.  They are the people the late Senator Barry Goldwater warned everyone everyone about.

The 26 airport locations tell you all you need to know who their clientele is.

Debt is what you make of it. Good debt increases your wealth (over time) and an active, participating member of society. Bad debt will make you a pariah to lenders, and in turn can ruin you, possibly for life. One can argue until the cows come how that the system is unfair, but no one will listen.

Got it in one.

The regional grocery store chain where I live *consistently* sells below the costs compared to Albertsons, Safeway, and Walmart. Same products, too. Even the store brand items are often rebadged brand name products at half the price.

Dumb. A propane torch causes micro-fracturing in concrete. It may not be readily apparent, but come winter with freeze/thaw cycles, the concrete will lose integrity over time.

Once NASCAR started really enforcing new and existing rules, later with Knaus’ departure as his crew chief, the Jimmy Johnson wins went away. Johnson never made it after NASCAR.

I want Musk to ignore the subpoena.  Then I want the court to issue an arrest warrant for Musk.