
The photo at the top of the article supports your view.  There is no obvious skid marks around the tires.

Most people on the planet do not own their own vehicle.  The class warfare ship sailed long ago.

Does California have a vehicle forfeiture law?  If so, blocks the streets (spike strips) and any vehicle belonging to participants is forfeited.

It’s called Death Valley for a reason.  Historical, yes.  But just as relevant today.

I do not stand in the way of potential Darwin Award nominees ...

The RFDS uses mostly fixed wing aircraft.  And when it’s too hot to fly, it’s too hot to fly.

Don’t you mean Tornado Toss Truck Tuesday?

As a kid, we said BMW was an acronym for break my windows. I guess this time BMW is an acronym for burn my wheels.

Tesla AutoPilot, a.k.a., Darwin Award nominee application.

There was no feud. Apple was being its usual, jerkish self. It’s who they are. The EU nailed them big time for being a jerk when Apple ignored the international USB-C standard. Either comply with the international standard or lose your European market.

The trooper broke a cardinal rule; don’t stupidly put yourself in harm’s way.

We still have a recycle bin we put out every other week. What the company that picks up our trash and recycle stuff won’t tell us is that since China no longer accepts any recycling, all recycling and trash goes to the same dump here in America.

So if current law may prevent a strike, perhaps Flight Flu is in order? You know, flights or geographic areas are targeted with many flight attendants calling out sick that the planes cannot fly.

So an iPhone is functional 130 meters under the ocean? Who’s installing cell towers down there?

I’m a long-standing fan of the Darwin Awards.

Hey, if we end up with more Darwin Award nominees, it can’t be a bad thing ... :)

Some states enacted laws banning mRNA vaccines because of their ignorant political attitudes with the COVID vaccine. If bird flu crosses over into the human population in a big way, the case fatality rate is in excess of fifty percent. Hmmm.  Perhaps that’s not a bad things for those states after all ...

A local business owner friend has to don rubber gloves and sweep her public sidewalk every morning, picking up the detritus of overnight drug use in front of her business. She would often call for an ambulance because of someone she found OD’ed in front of her business. The EMTs would arrive and issue Narcan, and the

I actually spent some time perusing the SEC filing where DJT wants to sell more shares. The SEC filing is loaded with caveats that the value of the shares cannot be guaranteed because of bad publicity, bad management, and even Trump opening his mouth and ruining the company.

We have recycle and general trash bins for our weekly garbage pickup. However, since China and others now refuse recycling from The West, much of our trash for recycling is redirected to landfill as is all other non-recyclable garbage. It’s just that Waste Management doesn’t tell people all the work of recycling and