
When we really need this:

If you are seriously considering this, and you get selected, and you decide to go forward:

He did not crash somewhere near Los Padres National Forest. He actually crashed inside Los Padres National Forest.

So was Epstein a millionaire or a billionaire?

I do not guilt tip. One, I don’t buy into the guilt.

My home diary is more of a “nuclear football” with all the launch codes.

Hey, I mean it’s not rocket science!  Wait. Whut?

Politically, the COVID-19 pandemic in the US is over. The president signed House Joint Resolution 7 (H.J.Res.7) yesterday, terminating the national public health emergency.

The seasonal drought is over. The long-term climatic drought continues.

With the minimum wage here at $15.74/hour, even for snot-nosed kids, we watch our tips.

Some of the local Native American casinos offer the straight up face-value price (meaning no fees!) for their entertainment venues if you purchased tickets directly at the casino, and not thru a third party, i.e., via Ticketmaster.

Well, if you do at least one daily walk, you won’t have chicken thighs. And no need for boiling water, either.

Any ban on TikTok will not pass constitutional muster.

You will never get me to like asparagus. More importantly, for everyone else’s olfactory sake, you do not want me to consume asparagus.

Nice, but if it’s not on TikTok, I’m not going there.

So if it’s on TikTok, then the advice is good, eh?

TikTok, the official guide for advancing stupidity and enhancing the Darwin Awards program.

Three Things:

If you want a real TikTok story, how about doing some investigative work. Pick a TikTok meme. Any meme. Try and trace its origins. Report on that.