
Quit treating children as tiny adults. They are physically not adults. And that goes with what you feed them. I see so many parents feed growing children diet products. Just don’t.

Not defending their actions, but what is the work culture?

A former FBI behavior specialist reviewed the tapes and found Heard’s body language, use of language and “phrase-ology” says she is insincere and lying.

Perhaps Apple is having difficulty justifying their new headwaters building.  Will an empty building those who are there find themselves running in circles.

Butter side down!

I bet he died with smooth skin.

Myth #6 - Believing that users prefer watching a video over reading the information.

“I can’t remember,” even though there is written and video evidence.

So Netflix lost 200,000 subscribers out of two gazillion, and the stock value dropped 40 percent.  What’s wrong with this picture?

If the Court’s decision is allowed to stand, the next pandemic will be much worse.

Bulk buying is not a waste of money if you know what you are doing. The author probably has never lived at the end of the long road to nowhere. Those of us who have know when COVID panic and supply chain issues arise,  a full pantry with bulk foods and supplies tide one over.

Your article reminds of the TV shows that have a regular food segment. Just a day or two before a major holiday (Thanksgiving and Christmas being the most abused), they bring in some master chef to show you how to cook that great meal for your family. As if 24 for hours before the holiday you’re food shopping for all

I bet the it reverted into Twitter mode. A hostile takeover.

Worldwide, Android has a 72 percent market share of mobile devices. iOS has a 27 percent market share.

Brings new meaning to the phrase,  “going f*cking blind!”

So you’re not an organ donor?

I’ve never used a grilling thermometer, despite having received them as gifts.  I grill based on long experience and a timer.

We have indoor-only furkids. Towels, however you define them, just don’t work with daily and reoccurring pet messes.  Paper towels are the only recourse.

Prior to the it’s-all-about-me-flying, there is this story.

This will work, until the hackers discover it.