
All publicly published information about the COVID-19 vaccines is they reduce the severity of virus symptoms.  The vaccines do not prevent you from getting the virus.



Trump’s Twitter account has also been deemed official government communications and cannot be deleted as a matter of law. Once he’s a private citizen, his tweets are no longer subject to federal protection. However, the account (and tweets) while he was president are an official record and can never be deleted, even

I was taught by my father to never pay for a dead horse.

If it’s determined the game actually causes seizures, it may be in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

I was born/raised in Wisconsin as well. Growing up in layers meant a t-shirt, a flannel shirt, maybe a wool sweater and a jacket that went below the level of where your butt changed into legs. Pants were blue jeans, later Gore-Tex wind pants over jeans. Feet were cotton socks and wool socks inside hiking boots.

I was born/raised in Wisconsin as well. Growing up in layers meant a t-shirt, a flannel shirt, maybe a wool sweater

The word “gift” is a noun. It’s not a verb.  English is a tough enough language without adding crap to it.

Service animals aboard commercial aircraft are not governed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Service animals and emotional support animals aboard commercial aircraft are governed under the Air Carrier Access Act.

“This year has taken most of the good things away from us. We’ve been forced indoors, secluded from friends, family and the routine comforts of life.”

Out of stock.

Out of stock.

It’s all Apple-centric. But that’s OK. Apple can spend the big bucks marketing and announcing some new-fangled whatchacallit and us Andriod users can chuckle and murmer to ourselves, “What took you so long? We’ve had that for years.”

The aircraft in inherently unsafe for commercial air travel. Boeing was lagging behind AirBus and did not want to build a new aircraft to compete on an even scale. So they made a business decision (not a science decision) and kludged bigger engines to an existing airframe (making it aerodynamically unstable), then

I wrote her off after watching her game show. There’s a deliberate meanness in her as to the way she treats the contestants.

It’s windy here this time of the year.  We let nature take its course.

There will be no Trump to Biden transition. And from what Trump did today, we might not make until the end of the year.

A five-minute hard-boiled egg shouldn’t take 15 minutes.

Couch Potato America just doesn’t learn. I mean, after four years 70 million still voted to retain HIM. Do you think doing anything for the betterment of America as a whole with respect to the virus will occur?

And remember ...

You win the Internet.

Perhaps some university needs to do a study and collect data to determine if a work ethic has roots in age, gender, location, job and life experiences, etc.  You know, as in maturity of workers and individual abilities to be self-motivated.  As if food, shelter, and keeping the lights on isn’t enough motivation.