
Time to watch the share price of Pfizer, and who is buying/selling Pfizer shares. If there is a substantial sell from insiders while the stock is up, that means something. If the share price is not sustained in the coming weeks, that means something.

“As Dr. Elders also said on CNN, marijuana is nontoxic. You can fatally overdose on alcohol, heroin or cocaine, but the only way a dose of marijuana will kill you is if someone crushes you under a bale of it.”

Just say you’re recording this call for quality and training purposes. I mean, that’s the catchall companies use to record their calls. It also means those companies *still* haven’t improved their customer service despite all the ongoing training (which must also suck).

All of my cats know when they want their special nightly treat, regardless of the clock.  The human time change doesn’t affect them.

“This brings it another step closer to the stable version most of us use.”

Flash dies on December 31, 2020. Adobe says after that date any Flash-using content will not run. Period. Elvis has left the building.

I graduated on the Dean’s List. That means straight A’s my last academic year.

But you you get a discount coupon for future misconduct as well?

If you stick with a known number between the 1918/19 Spanish Flu and the current COVID-19 pandemic, you use Case Fatality Rate (CFR). The CFR for Spanish Flu is 2.5 percent. The current (as of today) CFR for COVID-19 is 2.7 percent (JHU). The CFR for influenza during the 2018 season (last full season prior to

We’ve had universal mail-in ballots for 15 years. Twenty minutes after the pools close (8pm local time), we will know who the winners will be in the state.  Since we’re in a Left Coast State, we should know who wins the entire election by that, time too.

We have two microwaves and a large crock-pot. We’ve been more than satisfied. But we decided to experiment so we bought over time an Instant Pot, followed by an air fryer. We really are not gadget people. It’s just after experimenting among all of them that each suits a purpose, and a mood.

I used to make the effort to opt out, but no more. This kind of “junk mail” is needed revenue for the Post Office. In this Trump/Republican era of trying to kill off the Post Office anything we can do to keep them afloat is critical.

Why is it that the people who want to impose government control of women’s reproductive organs, are the same people who demand government stay away from everyone’s olfactory organs (COVID-19)?

I live in a state that has had mail-in voting for 15 years. Out of the tens of millions of ballots cast state-wide during those 15 years, the number of “irregular” ballots (that’s the word used) is statistically insignificant. When it comes to outright fraud within those “irregular” ballots over the years, the number

“Plus It’s a publicly traded company. They don’t have a company piggybank to save up for a rainy day. Any surplus that isn’t earmarked for future purchases or other development is paid out to their shareholders.”

Time to dump him.  You can’t fix stupid.

The Seattle Mariners have been doing this the entire (limited) MLB season. You can have a life-size photo of yourself (or your dog, cat. etc.) mounted on cardboard for $30.00 (portions to COVID-19 charities). If your photo gets hit by a ball (fouled out, home run, etc.) you will get that ball mailed to you.

So many are concerned that Trump’s nominee is going to overturn long-standing court decisions. And we should be concerned.

Stick a fork in her.  She’s done.  This is her last season.

Unless you squeeze orange juice yourself, all OJ you buy is artificial.