
I did the math.

What's the difference?

Does Jesus not celebrate Christmas?


Is that you.....bzaaat? ( My skyward sword reference needs a pic, why isn't it working?)

Illusion? Try Allusion. Or an editor, wherever those people are nowadays.

Crisis! There I said it!

Aren't these problems what betas are for? Ones that last 3 months and have plenty of time to iron out bugs before final release?

In one of my classes there's a pencil sharpener with an iName. Here you go, your own...sharpener?

Lawsuit in 3.2.1...

Only $40? I'll take 10!

There has to be something done in the competing tablet ecosystem. The public was never aware nor interested in a Xoom, and I fail to see why this will gain more traction. Think. Outside. The box.

Well I'm sure they thought of a password system or something, maybe through an app.

Most of the people I know use WebOS, it won't be a huge help to me...

A quality, readable weekend article? What happened to the 5 posts a day, not really interesting weekends?

The thing about a hard drive is that he could back it up, store it somewhere, and then give it to Apple, and there's no way for them to tell if he has a copy or not.

Good show old bean, jolly good show indeed! ...Wrong college?

Well in our school district most of the old laptops are old XP run thinkpads, so $60 isn't exactly a low price.

And now we know why egyptians were better of those few days without internet...