How could having a sim slot and antenna on your mac not raise any bells at all?
How could having a sim slot and antenna on your mac not raise any bells at all?
Sssh! Tailgaters don't use common sense!
One can only imagine what the man in the middle of the picture could be saying. "STOP THE PRESSES!" "HOLD EVERYTHING!"
What is up with that dudes face in the middle of the picture?
Inventing things without Jobs as CEO? Not possible.
Hey look, a tech post on a tech blog! These seem to be few and far between nowadays. do they find these clips?
That's a nice nothing you've got there.
Am I the only one who can't see videos anymore? I can see picture galeries, but not embedded videos.
This is a comment. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
But, he made everything! Again!
No, he created everything. Every. Single. Modern. Device.
Hey look it' of those! Most definitely!
No, just no.
While that seems like a good idea, I think I'd find myself more using a gmail widget in Google+