
I've been called racial slurs in public. I made note of it, but it really didn't upset me. I certainly didn't go all crazy like these people in these colleges and universities are. The littlest this is a ban-worthy offense to these kids. And they have no respect for anyone else's rights. They have no problem shouting

You can have that mentality, but like I said, you'll probably have to stay in your house for the rest of your life.

You really think they're imaginary? Have you seen what's going on on college and university campuses across this country?

The pussy generation needs to get over a lot of shit. Triggers, microagressions, safe spaces and cultural appropriation. All bullshit. Get some thicker skin or stay the fuck in your house and pull the covers over your head.

I was at his show in NYC a few months ago. I'll say that this particular material, and yes, from the description it was the same material I heard, is not nearly as funny as his old stuff. I remember watching his standup from years ago and hardly being able to keep from falling off my chair. This stuff, I could take or

Better to be safe than sorry.

"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill — the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill — you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

My attitutude suits me perfectly because it comes from experience.

Don't forget about Allegiance (S03 E18) where we get to see Picard singing.

While I agree with your statement, it kinda pisses me off. The women who spent their younger, more attractive years rejecting you and playing with the pretty bad boys will suddenly start looking at their looks and body starting to fade and decide that it's a good idea to find someone who is decent and hard working to

The wig is actually the transmitter/receiver.

I'm hella late to this party.

I'm not taking any kind of advice from a woman who molested her little sister and almost ruined someone's life with her lies about being raped.

It's been like 80 years….

I gotta be honest with you, this version is not nearly as good as the original. I was rolling my eyes way too much as I watched the first episode.

I don't have that problem because I'm not into buzzfeed and dank memes.

I agree with Kirkman. It's the reason why I am not watching any more GoT until after Martin releases his book.

You know who this is dammit stop.

So, I totally wasn't planning on watching this show at all. I had never even heard of the comic. It's 1:50 in the morning and there was nothing else on, so I decided to watch. I missed the first 20 minutes. Loved the show. Kinda slow moving, but I liked the characters, especially Tulip. I'm gonna DVR it starting now.

I am praying (pun intended) that Kim Kardashian explodes in an episode and takes Kanye and the rest of them with her.