
So I'm looking for a 'safe space' because I want there to be MORE allowances for things like TV shows and books and art that some people might find offensive?

"I am barely arguing making any sense at all."

"You have just about as much authority as any random person who was offended by this show."

Only in a weird, twisted mind could me posting a comment on an article be construed as 'silencing protesters'. You really need to get out more.

Yes, 'these people'. Which people could I have possible been talking about? Oh, let's see…maybe the people in the article that I'm commenting on? o.0

More pathetic capitulation. Is there anything these people won't ruin? So they're making light of something that otherwise wouldn't be funny. Look at the history of comedy in this country and you'll see that some of the best do just that. Now whiny babies are making it so that the rest of us can't help but be as

Taking pictures and posting them to Twitter (which literally everyone and their mother is doing) now makes one 'the best'?

An F? Pffft.

I bet you didn't even bother to read any of the articles I linked to. Because if you had, there's no way you would be calling the examples I am citing 'imaginary'. That means you're ignorant and you wish to remain so. Which is your right. But I'm certainly not going to continue arguing with an ignorant person who is

Of course you do because you're a dope.

Student body vice president writes a ‘forget Black Lives Matter’ post, and a university erupts

No, they already came for you. And you happily bowed your head in respect as they passed by. And you kept bowing further and further until your head was firmly and snuggly stuck in the sand.

Why am I not surprised? You pulled your head out of the sand just long enough to show how little your actually understand about what's going on in this country.

Oh God, don't remind me of that idiot Mellitha Harrith Perry who said we shouldn't use the term 'hard work' because it made her think of slaves or some BS.

I provide you with the evidence to disprove your idiotic "powerless, imaginary people" comments and all you got is *yawn*?

I don't know about other people, but I made that avatar myself on a website many years ago and have been using it ever since. I have no particular reason except that I like it.

Those idiotic children who you saw on that video screeching in that professor's face about safe spaces will very soon be out in the REAL WORLD and bringing their nonsensical " I'm triggered at just about everything " mindset to a workplace near you. So you can keep laughing, but that's only because you're

No, they don't. I don't know if you're aware of what's happening on college and university campuses around the country these days, but it is not that. Basically, the kids are writing the curriculum now. And if administrators dare to push back (which they almost never do) they get fired.

Yeah, he still made those jokes before but it was more funny. Now he seems like he's hiding real anger behind his jokes. Which kinda takes away the funny party.

Is it really that different from having a character from The Larry Sander's Show as your avatar?