
I looked at that for about 10 seconds before it hit me and I started laughing my butt off.

The look on Ellen's face in that first clip. It's a mix of fear and pity.

Didn't they already try this with Almost Human?

I like the pilot very much. Haven't seen the second episode, but if it stays the same or gets marginally better, I will keep watching.

The Magicians is legit excellent TV.

I feel the same way. I watched the latest episode of Supergirl right before I watched Shannara. During the Supergirl episode, I was mostly browsing the web and randomly glancing over at the tv, but Shannara keeps me interested pretty much the whole time.

I think this review is a bit too harsh. I enjoyed the episode, and have enjoyed most of what I have seen from the series so far. Perhaps it's because I never read the books, so I am not comparing it to something that is probably better all around.

So, it's basically gonna be a lot of 'White people be like…" jokes. Another reason to not tune in. :/

I think she would have done much better if she hadn't gotten kicked in the face.

Poor Mary. Don't worry, in a couple of months you will all go back to hating her guts with a passion. Trust me.

We call that Cajun style, mon ami. :)

Your description reminds me of The Mists of Avalon, which I loved.

I chuckle at the idea of a great warrior getting yelled at for burning the oat cakes.

This was a fantastic episode. I can't wait for the finale. I want to see the Raven King.

I didn't think much of Mr. Norrell after the first episode, but now, I downright find him disgusting. Poor Ms. Pole. I know that he cannot undo what is done, but if he had any conscience at all, he would find a way to make it so that she does not remember what happens when she sleeps. I think that is what is driving

Another reason to never watch the Simpsons.

Yeah, I was kinda like 'wtf just happened?' when I saw that.

Awww…do I have to read it? Couldn't you just tell me? Pleaaaaase! lol

Oh yeah? Only time i've seen/heard it is from there. I always liked that line. Where else have you come across it?