
Na I’m good, most of the purchases on my Steam account were probably between 2007-2008 right before the recession really started to hit everybody, I was making almost $40k/yr back then, I had money to blow so every Steam Sale Season I would blow between $300-500 buying up individual games and publisher bundles off

It’s also a neat monetary fact that, if you start with a penny and double it every day for an entire month, at the end of the month Sarah Huckabee Sanders will still be a total asshole.

I read “Thank you, Forgive me my birth”

“Thank you for giving me birth”? God damn, even the grandkid are creepy!

I guess you loathed Breath of the Wild and Splatoon then, because those games have more motion controls than Mario Odyssey.

The point isn’t the sauce. The point is getting to feel like you’re in some secret society that, by your mere entry, scientifically prover you’re a cool person with taste and intelligence. It’s like how when you’re a little kid, a group of mean girls decides to, I don’t know, all wear a certain colour to school or

I’m MOST excited for the Discovery Mode, to be totally honest! XD But yes, climbing around on stuff and exploring is my favorite thing to do in games.

I thought the book was about flowers?

Let’s not forget about the Japanese internment camps of WWII either. It’s crazy how little attention all of this gets, even growing up in California and going to good schools.

Those only count as the worst if you ignore the Bear River, Oak Run, and Wounded Knee massacres though...

This is the correct response.

Fuck all these people

You’ll be waiting a while for a wireless VR headset buddy.

Get involved in a racing community in GTA and they’ll tell you. But the thing is, acceleration doesn’t matter that much, overall performance matters. Broughy’s circuit tests tell you their overall performance.

Was listening to one of many interviews HRC has given this week - she pointed out that the sexism directed against her was way worse in 2016 than 2008 or even before - she points to Trump’s overt sexism as giving people permission to say things they would have felt uncomfortable saying in the past. I don’t think she’s

You know people(reasonable people) seem to understand that don’t necessarily have to say you don’t like x racial group, it’s dependent on what you *do*. So similarly you don’t have to say you don’t like women to be sexist, it’s what you do.

electric cars usually have the best acceleration, though they lack in top speed, so there no winning in that sense

Oh man I hope they release those joycon separately, that shade of red looks a lot nicer than the neon red from launch

I’ll take a stab at it:

The show includes a character named Token. Token Black. His family is the richest in the town of South Park, and they are—as their surname indicates—black.

Token has routinely been employed in the series to demonstrate the other boys’ misunderstandings concerning race relations here in the US.