
Some of it is color and contrast and not “more realism” so I feel that it was a choice that Nintendo made. I just don’t agree/think it could be pushed further.

Off topic slightly, but why the F does the PS4pro not have a 4k UHD Bluray????? WHHHHHYYY????? So dumb.

No one bought the Xbone so they are trying again. I foresee 3 games that take advantage of this power, the rest will be just like the PS4pro.

No, I loved Windwaker. I love this style also, but I feel it is 80-85% of what it could look like.

I remember sitting in my bedroom 29 and a half years ago playing this game and seeing this clue. It was 8pm, I had school the next day, but I was so intrigued by this clue and was hooked on Zelda instantly. I had no idea it was spelled wrong back then. Nor did I care. At first I went back to the overworld and looked

evil genius” ?? More like a scum sucking piece of shit criminal.

Anyone who used “Dying” for laughing should be dying of something real or STFU

But who says what it “should” look like? I get that it look right to you.

I think it is lacking something visually.

I also agree with your view. Maybe somewhere in between?

These screenshots make me wish that Zelda looked more realistic like Ark. Oh well, its still a great game.

I never understood why they added Akuma to SSF2T instead of Sheng Long?

I thought that inflatable chair in the background was a Zelda Shrine for a sec.

Hypocrisy as far as the eye can see...

I disagree with you 100%, all of these things mentioned would help tremendously in the game and it was well written.

Mother doesn’t allow that.

Did they go to dinner with Mike Pence?

Mike Tyson’s Punch out and Breath of the wild

Good, because my game went to ZERO frames per second last night a few times.

And the T-Rex NEVER had a meal with another woman alone.