Welp--he was stupid. He kept doing shady sh-- knowing that he could land back in prison. The desire to floss & seem like a big deal by posting a hood pic was his downfall. Yes it's lame that they used it against him. But he's stupid for posting it.
Welp--he was stupid. He kept doing shady sh-- knowing that he could land back in prison. The desire to floss & seem like a big deal by posting a hood pic was his downfall. Yes it's lame that they used it against him. But he's stupid for posting it.
I’m sorry, but if you’re gonna run around doing shady stuff and you’re posting shady things you might want to be a little more careful about who you’re sharing your shady life updates with.
Farewell to the website who’s existence I just learned about in this post saying farewell.
Gun nuts will debate semantics over what exactly constitutes a sniper rifle
Why should I listen to you if you’re gonna call people assholes right from the start. That’s the exact wrong way to get someone on your side.
No one is getting rid of ICE. Not one president from either party has tried it and none will, because it’s a bad idea. This isn’t fairy tale land where everyone can live happily just letting people come and go from every country in the world. We as a country have a finite amount of something almost everyone else…
I know this to be true: I’m going to download Overcooked on the Xbone for free, never play it, and then eventually spend money to have it on Switch.
Correction: The rifling in the barrel is a nice touch, not the chamber. The chamber is the place where the cartridge is while being fired - in a revolver like this, there’s six of them in the cylinder. The barrel is the big long tube the bullets go through. Chambers are not rifled (at least in any firearm I’ve heard…
I know this is a weird and unpopular concept for the people of this site, but most cops are just commoners who want to help their community. Definitely take a minute to breathe and compose yourself before responding.
It’s primarily a liability dodge. It allows the service provider to say that they have filters in place, and it’s not their liability for bad info from users (ie people incorrectly entering their birthdates intentionally or otherwise)
Not sure that’s true about the Steelers (or Bell) “deserving” anything. Both parties are playing by the rules set down in the CBA. The Steelers exercise their leverage, Bell exercises his leverage.
Yeah, sorry, millennials won’t get the motivation they need from apps, concerned friends, or even free lattes in polling places. The blogosphere has done too good a job fostering their belief that America isn’t worth it.
Well, Republicans already show up to vote and don’t need an “app” to tell them to fulfill their civic duty, so this makes perfect sense to me.
Remember folks, Destiny is the game where all the people in the comments saying they’ll never play again because the game is trash are playing RIGHT NOW.
This is 100% true, and it really started with email. We have people in my company that are the definition of “email warriors”: they feel they can say whatever they want if they aren’t on the phone or right in front of you. I can only imagine what they would be like if it was anonymous.
To take it a step further, it’s not even the medium that’s broken...it’s us. In a truly open forum, the best and (more often) worst of humanity is put on display. It’s disappointing for those who believe we’re mostly good, but there’s no cure besides the one for our nature...some would say that doesn’t exist, others…
It is very, VERY misleading to act like the auto industry “did nothing” about emissions. The difference in vehicle emissions from 1979 to 1989 is astonishing, and the amount of money and time that was spent on R&D was incredible. Only someone ignorant would claim they “did nothing”.
Remember folks, doxxing is bad unless it’s done against people you disagree with.
There’s that old Gawker feeling.