
I think this is an awesome untapped market.

Sorry, a growing number of accidents does not indicate a source of fault for those wary of confirmation bias. Do statistics reflect higher accident counts for Tesla when comparing by accident type and model? Even if they do, it’s completely plausible that the increase is due to over-reliance on

I don’t think the primary purpose of the nukes is attack/defense or even to illustrate anything with the day the bombs fell - I think they’re an “interesting” and convenient dungeon mechanic. Howard mentioned that the players will find rare gear in the fallout zone after an explosion and that you’ll likely need

If you perceive an imbalance, it’s because as of 2017, only 16.8% of popular music artists were women to begin with. It’s up to those women to produce popular music, or other women to enter the’s not Spotify’s responsibility to artificially brighten the spotlight.

In the generational cycle, you’d be in the unraveling. Lots of individualism, such as anti-establishment music (punk, grunge, etc), anti-government acts (Waco, OKC bombing), and generally anti-culture.

I consider millennials are in two different groups. You have the older ‘lost’ millennials that were kicked in the

oil is still a very finite resource

I think some asterisks that showed the rate of inflation or a table of “in current USD” would be helpful here. $1.56 in 2003 is $2.11 today. So your $9.25 figure for the 2003 F-150 cost/100 miles is $13.21 vs. the $13.80 you’re paying today.

“Offended by Reality™”, motto of a generation. I didn’t even have to say which one.

I always cringe a little when random Bible verses are thrown into public discussions because understanding them requires context and there’s only so much context an article can afford. For example, Jesus telling his disciples to “hate” their parents isn’t meant literally and you’d never find any (sane) Biblical

Your tone betrays the degree to which you relished the opportunity to snipe at a few hot-button aspects of a belief system that you reject, and that’s fine. But if you’re going to stick to anecdotal evidence and generalize to “certain denominations” without naming them, then you’re doing a disservice to the vast

Fun fact, it’s Marty’s birthday today!

If you’ve read what they did to him you’d understand his sentiment

I think you are massively naive if you think that implementing a new government apparatus will result in the elimination of whole sections of the government.

sry u already paid 4 this blog no refunds

I’m glad somebody still enjoys a nice pass during all this #MeToo nonsense.

Jesus. The fact that Marky Mark is in a position to approve or veto Christopher Plummer as a co-star (and I’m assuming Michelle Williams in initial casting) is just one more example of how far we’ve fallen as a people.

Still no nightmare matchmaking huh? Honestly, the excuse for not having it in the last one never held water, and it still doesnt now.

i am all for net neutrality...but this is just a big list of IF’s and COULD’s...i mean come on. IF i go outside, a meteorite COULD hit me on the head doesn’t mean it will.

Uh oh, I hope I can get Kotaku and Gizmodo under the same price tier. I’m guessing Splinter will be premium due to all those “alternate fact” Trump stories they keep posting.

Challenge McChallengeface accepted.