
This does seem like quite a shotgun approach to a political statement, especially for the health editor.

It may be impossible to prevent politics from creeping into most areas of life, but the current hot-button status attests to the fact that until recent years, many arenas like sports and awards show speeches have indeed been largely able to avoid being venues for political statement. The volume of the debate is also

So if the trend keeps true, it’ll become one of the most overrated, overhyped, and overpriced items in its category, at least for the next nine years?

Maple is the Once and Future MAPLE. All others are ephemeral fads and will be forgotten by time.

Maple is the new pumpkin spice, they say. Maybe the demand will open some new channels to consumers for maple products Formerly Known As Grade C.

This is what I have. And I use PLEX to watch on my PS3 on my TV.

You’re describing WMC on Windows 8, yes. But on Windows 7 it’s still fully functional, guide and all, with extended support that doesn’t end until Jan 2020, by which time Plex or other solutions should be more fully baked. The program listing service has been spotty for some folks, but even that has a solution.

Seconded. I just replaced the Hauppauge tuner on my Win 10 desktop and this works perfectly fine for my recording needs. The only thing I don’t like is the loss of Windows Media Center as an interface (it was phased out after Windows 8.1), and so it’s probably worth setting up a Win 7 PC just to get that back. Or

Agreed. That is our household solution. It can be finicky at times, so its not for the faint of heart. BUT the DVR is awesome. Combine with a Silicon Dust machine, and you have a lot of magic available on the cheap. Pretty much any old Windows 7 pc will work, just toss in a large, cheap drive, and off you go.

If it’s old-school that the millennials are after, you should include one of the longest-running and most popular options still in use today...repurpose a Windows 7 PC as a home theater PC. Use Windows Media Center as your DVR by adding a cheap OTA tuner card like the Hauppage WinTV HVR 2250, which you can pick up

Humm, the cost of cable in this article is extremely misleading.

Umm, Plex doesn’t save recordings directly to the cloud. Don’t get me wrong, I love Plex, but the live TV and recording stuff is still very beta. Presently, if you have a supported tuner, you can record shows, but you have to configure recordings via the server interface (accessed through a web browser). A week ago,

Pfft... you kids. This is how you record OTA TV: a 1975 Betamax. I was there, and yes I had one.

Without a doubt, play it where your friends are. The best moments i had in Destiny were playing with my friends. It could be the raid or even stupid bounties, but my enjoyment was way more when i was with them.

I always liked you and Jason’s coverage. Especially Jason’s opening lines.

For Audi, VIN stands for Vehicles w/ Identical Numbers

To be fair, a farewell is a convention that is intended to express warmth and gratitude for the gathering or its participants, and for well-wishing “until we meet again”. There’s nothing egotistical, per se, about offering a group offering a toast egotistical just because it commands everyone’s attention?

Good time to talk about its successful cabinet counterpart.

You win this round, vegans.