
You don’t need to believe America is “exceptional”, or even have a remotely positive connotation for the word “patriotism”, or anything like that. But if your dissatisfaction is such that you can no longer find any love for your homeland or the principles upon which it was founded, then you absolutely should find a

Careful, “feat of engineering” sounds a little like intelligent design. Know your audience.

Please watch The Social Dilemma. The world’s ideological polarization and extremism are accelerating, because social media companies discovered positive intermittent reinforcement; we’re flooded with reinforcement of our beliefs and preferences, which leads to ever-more strongly held opinions. And it’s not purely gener

Fine, so Lifehacker has long since abandoned its innovative topical focus of useful tips for daily living in the name of keeping time with the G/O Media political drumbeat...but if I visit Lifehacker to learn about CRT, it’s how to recycle my old Cathode Ray Tube monitor into a fish tank. Channel the polarizing

Better for spice jars also equates to a poorer target for pouring liquids, unfortunately...they do have dual-sided sets which might be best for avoiding 2 sets. This is why Alton Brown eschews “unitasker” kitchen utensils :).

I has had this designation since not just Halo (1), but since Marathon.

Uh, SPNKR (Spanker) has always been the rocket launcher designation, all the way back before Halo to Marathon.

This needs a Khaby Lame TikTok.

“Test drive Windows 11” is clickbait.

“Near”-earth asteroids = guaranteed click bank, eh Sam?

Awesome hack. Can’t tell you how good it feels to stop by Lifehacker and just get a great life hack rather than indoctrinated political garbage.

That’s the whole point, only 3% of eligible people were actually using free filing.

The grounds should be coming from a grinder, not a bag. :)

To be clear(er), if you use your Visa/Mastercard branded debit card for a retail purchase, but you choosecredit” as the payment type rather than inputting your pin and using it as a debit card, you should still be covered by the zero-liability policy of the credit card purchase.

So sad.

Misinformation is certainly plentiful, but there are really only two questions that matter, and they won’t get a universal answer worldwide:
1.) Do you believe that state and federal law should always take precedence over Sharia Law where they overlap?
2.) As an adherent to Sharia Law, are there any circumstances under

You can label it “familiar disdain” from mainstream journalists, but Cooper is as about as progressive as they come...if he’s skeptical, it can only be because the far-left, socialist goals of the Green New Deal are so laughably unrealistic.

FWIW, spiral sliced hams like the ones shown in the pic are almost always bought fully cooked...these days it’s harder to find uncooked ham, and there’s little sense in sous-videing a pre-cooked one.

A classier cousin of this is sourdough/french/tuscan bread boats - layer scrambled eggs, ham/bacon, roasted red peppers & cheese in hollowed out loaves, replace the cut-off tops, wrap in aluminum foil and bake for a half-hour or so, then slice to taste. Christmas morning heaven, and it easily feeds a larger crowd if

Are the “doughnuts” in that pic spawned from some sort of waffle maker? THESE are Krispy Kremes.