
Any teammate will tell you he’s the hardest working player on the team. Apply that to insane God-given talent and he’s guaranteed to be long remembered as one of the all-time greats.

All I heard was “blah blah blah, the system works, blah blah blah”.
Demonizing law enforcement may be all the rage, but the only real lesson to be learned here is: Don’t Friend Strangers, Kids!

Liberal artists lose their minds when their work is used by those that they disagree with politically... if Niemöller had the voice today, most of this forum prahhhhbably wouldn’t like where he’d land on the issue of gender identity...

Clearly those who knew well enough to get out of Gawker Media did so while they still could.  The stragglers are still pretty shrill in their desperation though, aren’t they?

This should be an easy question to answer with what you’d consider “real” science, right? How about a study where age estimates were shown to be 89% accurate in kids 1-10 years of age? In fact, if you do your research this seems to be a fairly reliable method that’s hardly worthy of being labeled “creepy pseudoscience”

Wah, wah.

Do you not really not hear how you’re making his point? The left “shouldn’t have a rich, entitled white person representing it in public”...why, and can you give a non-racist answer? Vehemently disagreeing with some things that people who are mostly entitled white men do is one thing, but more and more people are

I’ve had my Xbox One set up to stream outside my network for a while, and this weekend I streamed Destiny with a Bluetooth Xbox controller on a 1080p laptop via McDonald’s was really smooth on low through high quality settings with very low discernible lag and only a few compression artifacts...just as

No, the holy grail is the Windows 10 Cloud Clipboard working with Android devices. Apple will never loosen their grip on iOS messaging, it’s not even worth keeping on a wishlist.

Or just get it free on your Xbox One this month and resist.

Or just get it free on your Xbox One this month and resist.

That’s...all they got out of a 100K page investigation? Good Lord, I’d hate to be the highly-motivated liberal intern that only had this to show at the end of her summer.

This is, actually, a really fun game, as each of the 7 phases introduces new mechanics.  It is really, really, really long.

This is, actually, a really fun game, as each of the 7 phases introduces new mechanics.  It is really, really,

This sounds a little like the Texas sharpshooter fallacy - you’re gathering a random set of negative data associated with sports to support your perspective, none of which remotely refutes the fact that a person’s participation in sports can clearly build character. You could also poke a million holes in the Boy

What a shame that parents would still consider it worth the risk to cross the border illegally with their kids in tow.

Timing checks out...a streaks guide for the olds is a sure confirmation that teens are bailing on Snapchat.

  • I second the recommendation regarding Letchworth State’s an outstanding natural resource, and particularly gorgeous when the leaves are changing around October.

Can we just be honest and say that if you’re drinking enough to get hung over, you’re drinking enough carbs to completely offset any noble eating goals. Alcohol is one of the worst things you can put in your body in terms of pure carb density...end of story.

Maybe they’ve borrowed a bit from Fortnite by electing to build some benign narrative and world evolution into the weekly resets and not reserving them all for major and minor releases. This would be a huge step...those little touches will end up making such a big difference in the perception of content freshness.

Only buy it if you expect to use it soon...even in its sealed packets it dries out over a couple of years.

Only buy it if you expect to use it soon...even in its sealed packets it dries out over a couple of years.

Believe them or not, but Bungie’s for-real-this-time lofty goal is to take you off the treadmill and put new scenery around you daily. Unfortunately the types of gorgeous 4K environments and interactions that Bungie creates can’t be generated procedurally :), and satiating the community’s content thirst will always be