
Sorry, the Steelers have a well-established and widely known practice of not offering guaranteed money beyond the first or second year, and I’m sure that was non-negotiable, especially for a running back. That policy has served them well, and history will most likely prove that they handled this in the best way

Yeah, sorry, millennials won’t get the motivation they need from apps, concerned friends, or even free lattes in polling places. The blogosphere has done too good a job fostering their belief that America isn’t worth it.

You’re in the majority...75% of people don’t agree that humanity is broken by nature. The concept is inherently anti-self-esteem, and it seems to run contrary to reason and morality, but it’s true. I’d encourage you to check out the Bible’s perspective or maybe ask a friend that identifies as a God follower.

To take it a step further, it’s not even the medium that’s’s us. In a truly open forum, the best and (more often) worst of humanity is put on display. It’s disappointing for those who believe we’re mostly good, but there’s no cure besides the one for our nature...some would say that doesn’t exist, others

Refreshing to hear an anti-alarmist voice of reason.

I’m surprised that there’s no mention of the 4K support patch that was issued for Halo 5 on Xbox One X, which reportedly resulted in a huge visual improvement. Did you even 4K, bro?

Just be sure you’re exhibiting the ideals that you claim to uphold through your protesting.

Numbers! Why are there numbers? Where is the “R” or “D”?

I’ve heard that the second armor tier might actually be easier than the first, and as a semi-casual player who plays 3-4 times a week, the remixed levels are a lot of fun to revisit, frankly...Bungie’s clearly put a lot of thought into it.

See, I have the complete opposite perspective...I’ll always try to pick up Xbox or PC versions of premium titles first and I rarely buy cross-platform dupes or re-releases, which filters my Switch catalog down to family-friendly exclusives. Ever since Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssee I’ve felt completely

Just make sure the edges of the curtain are buried in sand to avoid - you know - accidental suffocation.

Claiming that there was any sort of genuine awareness or widespread consensus on climate change and its outcomes in the 80s or even the 90s is completely disingenuous. Until the mid-80s the focus was mainly on ozone depletion from CFCs, and it was the subsequent potential CO2 impacts that piqued curiosity about global

I love seeing the hardboiled detective trope used in post-apocalyptic games and sci-fi...Nick in Fallout and Joe Miller in The Expanse have been two of my favorite characters in recent years.

Being supported can be overwhelming

Make up your you want the world to embrace actors of color playing the roles of white men as with Hamilton?  Then you can’t demand that LGBTQ roles be played by LGBTQ actors.

One questionable and politically skewed opinion piece deserves another, no? The truth, as they rightly say, is usually in the middle.

Please stop reposting political opinion pieces on Gizmodo. Every day you’re more like my crazy conspiracy theorist uncle on Facebook.

As Polish? I didn’t get that at all from the demo.

Inasmuch as our inclusive and diversity-driven culture may be contributing to historical whitewashing, why can’t it be discussed? Fifty years from now someone might assume that Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr weren’t white or that American women have always been allowed to serve in combat. Historical entertainment