
This is a lose/lose if you’re an old-school car wouldn’t want a futuristic, synthetic sound that’s not a product of the engine, nor would you want them to use an authentic reproduction of an existing internal combustion engine sound. But I agree with the untapped market comment...this is akin to the

Sorry, a growing number of accidents does not indicate a source of fault for those wary of confirmation bias. Do statistics reflect higher accident counts for Tesla when comparing by accident type and model? Even if they do, it’s completely plausible that the increase is due to over-reliance on

As a casual player, they’re giving a pretty solid return on investment, and the proposed changes in the expansion are right inline with what I’d like to see. What I’d love to see is more bang for the buck and added replay value by exposing pieces of all those great raid environments to everyone via Strikes, variants

Best guess is that the Warthog’s loose handling was very intentional:

Too early to make that call. Most likely it’s like others have said - nukes will serve as a human-driven game mechanic and 76 may not “cheapen” the act of launching them as much as the on-stage reveal implied.

Yes, we’re casuals. We’d prefer more rewards with less grind. But as has been said, we’re not the demographic that Bungie needs to cater to at this point in the lifecycle if they want to keep their game profitable.

“Cancelling” the summit was a very intentional tactic, and all part of the diplomatic gamesmanship. As for preparedness and capability, love or hate him, this, of all areas, should be the one area where Trump deserves at least a small amount of public confidence. His (generally) successful personal track record has

But an AI will never write politically-charged and off-topic posts like you guys can!

If you perceive an imbalance, it’s because as of 2017, only 16.8% of popular music artists were women to begin with. It’s up to those women to produce popular music, or other women to enter the’s not Spotify’s responsibility to artificially brighten the spotlight.

Bungie is trying to incentivize higher power activities in order to extend playability, plain and simple. Part of the problem is that patrol zone activities have a more casual feel, and players believe (as they’ve been led to) that they should be more accessible. Hardcore players are just trying to force the issue

It’s an interesting contrast that Epic can drop such significant balance-altering mechanics as comets, jetpacks and Thanoses into Fortnite weekly and players take it in stride, while Destiny 2 players rage quit and swear off the entire game series over a minor DPS tweak that Bungie makes to a weapon they haven’t

Whatever you do, remember it’s usually best to max out your own Roth/401K contribution before looking at any of these options :).

Well, law enforcement could conceivably use it in the enforcement of any law, yes. But if you’re concerned about the county police chief using it to find the young punk whom his daughter is secretly seeing behind his back, I think those headlines will remain rare.

The fact that the larger DNA databases “accept spit samples” doesn’t mean that the analyzed DNA data are not digitized, cataloged, and therefore searchable. If they don’t allow use by law enforcement currently, it’s likely based upon the agreements they have in place with customers.

Your snark makes an excellent point, it really needs something about victimhood as well, but I thought that might dilute things a bit. We can keep working on it.

...and the witty comeback proves you know who it is ;).

Guess it resonated with someone. :)

“Offended by Reality™”, motto of a generation. I didn’t even have to say which one.

Digital morphing effects were all the rage in the 90s when they came to the masses via video editing plugins. The results were frequently creepy.