
Few people put a lot of faith in Trump’s diplomacy, myself included. But his business instincts and negotiating capability are still legendary, and they do give him a big advantage in this type of scenario. Whatever the press says about his preparation, that portrayal may very well be intentional and could also be

Disagree completely. The designers will likely be flattered by the meaningfulness that you somehow pieced together out of Joseph’s psychosis, and I realize it’s your game journalist mandate to over-analyze every plot line. No clever epiphanies to be found’s ultimately just a weak, nihilistic and utterly

So true. I stuck with it for over an hour and no fewer than 8 teammates popped in and out in the process. It was impossible.

Same goes for Sunshot. The explosion damage is now sufficient to cause a chain reaction through a whole swarm of weak Hive Thrall.

Exactly. Fear of public speaking has no specific connection to personality type.

Please stop perpetuating these common misconceptions about introversion. Just as introversion does not necessarily equate to shyness, fear of public speaking is extremely common regardless of personality type. Your tips are great, but none of them would be particularly helpful to someone who is introverted.

I hear you completely, and if you look at the GOP primaries, evangelicals (over 50%) were extremely wary of Trump when he wasn’t the only option, although Mike Pence is someone who many Christians would say exemplifies at least many(?) of their beliefs. Regardless, this was clearly a distasteful, lesser-of-two-evils

“Trustworthiness” can be a scale of factual accuracy (a-la Politifact), which is tough, but not impossible to gauge with an algorithm. “Political bias” is far more difficult to quantify because of its subtle and subjective nature, and can only be evaluated by unbiased people (who don’t exist) or by consensus of a grou

I think Stephen was onto something. Those who argue that terminating an arguably sentient man-made robot is unacceptable, but that terminating an unborn human fetus is acceptable, upon what do you base that standpoint?

It’s not uncommon to find people like you and the author who carry poor perceptions of evangelical Christianity as they’ve seen it lived out by imperfect people - which we all are - and it’s a shame that Americans as a whole are colder towards them than other religions because of the impression that they’re elitist,

Your tone betrays the degree to which you relished the opportunity to snipe at a few hot-button aspects of a belief system that you reject, and that’s fine. But if you’re going to stick to anecdotal evidence and generalize to “certain denominations” without naming them, then you’re doing a disservice to the vast

Marty always reminded me of Leo Laporte, and Joe Staten reminded me of John Carmack.

Guys like Frank O’ Connor, Joe Staten and Marty became some of my favorite in the industry due to Bungie’s unique ability to endear itself to fans through its great communications and marketing. Now that most of the greats have left and the corporate focus has clearly changed through the Destiny phase, it’s a bit sad

The Alaska Permanent Fund is feasible because of huge oil revenues and a low population. Even then, each citizen only gets about a $1K/yr dividend...the only way it’s remotely comparable to a UBI program is that it’s a calculated cash payout to a subset of citizens.

Fingers crossed that they’ll drop the subscription fee for Prime users in the near future. I’ll wait.

Fingers crossed that they’ll drop the subscription fee for Prime users in the near future. I’ll wait.

In all fairness, it’s not hard to make your own variant that’s just as good as the restaurant...biscuits are not exactly the rocket science of baking ;).

These have been available for at least a year or two in the warehouse stores (in a 4-pack box for about $7).

Many wanna know who done this
Marky Mark, I’m paid to approve you...

Felicitous advice. Never change, Lifehacker.

They have an identical unbranded tumbler at Five Below for $5 that I’ve tested at home - no significant temperature difference between it, RTIC or YETI after 12h.

They have an identical unbranded tumbler at Five Below for $5 that I’ve tested at home - no significant temperature