FWIW, all currencies are “made up” and they’re often inherently valueless - currency is simply a proxy that is agreed upon by a group of people and standardized.
FWIW, all currencies are “made up” and they’re often inherently valueless - currency is simply a proxy that is agreed upon by a group of people and standardized.
...so is fearmongering.
Ah, the “long time lurker” intro...classic.
Kota-kudos to you, Jason, for racheting up the alarmism to ever-more-deafening levels. If the sky ever does start falling, you guys may have to add animated GIFs to your headlines to actually get anyone’s attention.
Challenge McChallengeface accepted.
We’ve all been cleaning our 65" TVs for weeks now. In my case I’ve been projecting on a wall, and moving the projector was a quick reveal.
Well that’s a very...obtuse response. This post is about the politicization of sports and entertainment that exists under the national spotlight. No one would argue that politics don’t impact our daily lives in all of the common and completely expected ways that you noted. Businesses (including professional sports and…
they have every right to express it in any public way they choose
You’re describing a lot of scenarios in the periphery of businesses, and no, they’re not new. But products and people that are being presented, marketed, and put in the public spotlight are isolated from politics very intentionally for the reasons I described. And an employer absolutely has the right to set policies…
Setting an alarm was a feature from day one.
Politicization is bad for business because it always alienates people and irrevocably reduces your customer base. This applies to professional sports as well. This “hey man, everything is political” rationalization is just the Trump counterpoint-du-jour.
Yes, the choice of an Olympic venue is a classic intersection of sports and politics, and there are many others. But in most cases there are concerted efforts to keep the field of athletic competition itself as “pure” and devoid of political influence and statement as possible. If this wasn’t true, the entire…
It may be impossible to prevent politics from creeping into most areas of life, but the current hot-button status attests to the fact that until recent years, many arenas like sports and awards show speeches have indeed been largely able to avoid being venues for political statement. The volume of the debate is also…
You say that in PvP, the more offensively-minded team wins, but later you say to let your opponents come to you because patience wins. Which is it? Please don’t tell me to be “cautiously aggressive” or something... ;)
You could argue that making shaders single-use when they were multi-use in Destiny 1 isn’t fair because they’re reducing the expected quality of the gamer experience for the sake of profit. I understand why your expectations are high in the golden age of gaming, but again, cosmetic extras and add-ons that don’t affect…
Maple is the new pumpkin spice, they say. Maybe the demand will open some new channels to consumers for maple products Formerly Known As Grade C.
Pay to enjoy? I’m not sure what else you should legitimately pay for within a game world. Microtransactions should support supplemental content that enhances your experience without conveying advantages vs. other players, and I’m sorry, but that’s exactly what extras like shaders and gestures are. They’re absolutely…
I’m well aware that WMC was discontinued on Win 10 and Xbox One. The fact that Windows 7 is an older OS doesn’t keep it from being a great solution...it’s more polished in many ways than newer options like Media Portal, and if you do ever want to use it with cable, it’s the only option that supports copy-once…