
You’re describing WMC on Windows 8, yes. But on Windows 7 it’s still fully functional, guide and all, with extended support that doesn’t end until Jan 2020, by which time Plex or other solutions should be more fully baked. The program listing service has been spotty for some folks, but even that has a solution.

If you set up a Windows PC and use Windows Media Center as your DVR per my post above, there are services you can install which will cut out commercials automagically.

If it’s old-school that the millennials are after, you should include one of the longest-running and most popular options still in use today...repurpose a Windows 7 PC as a home theater PC. Use Windows Media Center as your DVR by adding a cheap OTA tuner card like the Hauppage WinTV HVR 2250, which you can pick up

To be fair, a farewell is a convention that is intended to express warmth and gratitude for the gathering or its participants, and for well-wishing “until we meet again”. There’s nothing egotistical, per se, about offering a group offering a toast egotistical just because it commands everyone’s attention?

I believe there’s a very strong reaction coming from most Christians and their pastors, although the non-Christian world is not likely to see it very clearly, which is a separate issue. Denominations like the Wesleyan church were literally built upon a belief in human equality, and championed opposition to slavery

FYI, I did a scientific at-home ice water test of 30 oz. double-walled stainless tumblers and found no significant difference between the YETI, RTIC or even the $5 one you can buy at Five Below. Other YouTubers have demonstrated similar results.

Isn’t saying “ICE engine” like saying “ATM machine”?

We’re selfish, poor communicators, and worse listeners. This is a good perspective on our collective anger issues:

Yeah, unfortunately I don’t cook enough for my “stock bag” not to be confused for the “countertop kitchen trash”. :)

Very insightful, Gary - and a much better read than any of Novak’s inflammatory blathering over on Gizmodo.

Shep, why don’t you add a price meter graphic or something to your posts that shows the high or list price, the average, the all-time low, and today’s deal price? It doesn’t have to be as hard-core as a camelcamelcamel price tracking chart...bensbargains uses a simple cold-to-hot bar. Some kind of at-a-glance

Shep, why don’t you add a price meter graphic or something to your posts that shows the high or list price, the

We’re far from perfect, but America is better today than a few decades ago at ensuring that the most qualified person gets the job, and it’s short-sighted to think we won’t continue to improve, with or without affirmative action or other initiatives. Unfortunately you consider that to be a white person’s false

the SAT was initially developed to weed out minorities and Jews from gaining access to higher education

Spot on. And beyond that, regardless of whether or not his arguments can be traced to pseudoscience, the existence of gender differences in psychology, brain activity and structure is well-established, and it’s startling how many people attribute any acknowledgment of said differences to sexism, while missing the

Very well said, sir.

“We may not confer validity to all opinions, but we should surely grant respect to all who hold them.” -Abraham Lin... Ok, I made that up. But it’s true.

Manifesto writer’s intentions are not subject to anyone’s perception of the validity of his arguments. His intention was to create dialogue and raise awareness (check). His criticism was suppression of and retribution for expressed ideologies (check).

Make lifestyle changes and take personal actions to mitigate climate change as you see fit, but please target your donations to charitable organizations that can make immediate impacts and who are fiscally efficient and effective.

Let’s not forget that the death of Flash was declared by ranting journalists back in 2010 after Steve Jobs’ pledge to drop support in iOS. Seven years later sites like Crunchyroll, CNN, HuffPo and Hulu still rely on it. USB 1.0 and 2.0 are far too ubiquitous for tech bloggers to post out of existence, but it’s cute