You're a fucking ignorant douchedrain. There, I called you a name. Deal with it, you ignorant, derptastic, misogynist troll.
You're a fucking ignorant douchedrain. There, I called you a name. Deal with it, you ignorant, derptastic, misogynist troll.
I just luurrrve how this thread has become all about you and your personal shit, instead of about the subject.
Why, oh why, do we have to continue hearing about what makes your sickly little dick hard? You've just admitted that you're sickly and likely not conventionally can you please, please stop posting about what you find to be the fuckable characteristics of various supermodels and beauty pageant…
One of the reasons I cannot stand and have stopped reading music reviews is that there are so many self-described "music reviewers" or "music experts," and way too many of them are like this. Disagree with them, and they will practically assault you.
Sorry, I meant to add more to that post, but Kinja interpreted "hard return" as "publish," and then I got waylaid by work before I could come back and edit it.
I'm going to make myself really unpopular and say that, for the most part, I agree with you.
Statistically speaking, there are no statistics demonstrating that people who sleep with their windows open all the time are generally people who make bad choices. None. Good luck even faking a citation for that bullshit. But you go ahead and feel totally fine. Sanctimonious, judgey, nosy assholes like you usually…
Americans do overeat, don't exercise, and eat crap.
I bet your friend was super duper unhealthy, too. Blah blah blah laziness blah blah blah shitty education blah blah double the amount of ice cream blah blah judgey bullshit and fakey concern-trolling about this complete stranger's health blah blah blah...
Agreed. This unfortunate approach, with the pointing out all the flaws—I see what they were trying to do, and I'm on board with the goal, but it has brought out the worst bodysnarkers and their inane assholery ("she could fix that bad posture if she worked on it").
For reals! You know nothing about this woman's health! Or mine! For reals, bitch! And the health or spinal conditions of complete strangers are not known by you, nor do those strangers give a soft shit what you think!
And maybe you should lose weight and do something about that greasy pizza face and ugly, mousy hair. It's not rocket science.
Says the shallow bitch. Do you do this to your friends, too? "Oh, you could follow my example and do something about those blemishes/fat deposits/gray hair. You're just lazy. I know, because I got my Medical Snap Judgments degree from WebMD."
You seem awfully certain about Lena Dunham's (this woman you've never met in your life) bad posture. Maybe it isn't bad posture, and that's just how her body is? How is snotting about somebody's posture, and then primping and puffing about how you fixed yours with just a little pixie dust and effort, not…
No, indeed, "International Barbie" certainly does not describe how I see women of color from around the world; it was shorthand for the ways some men repeatedly seek out women of specific ethnicities and races, as if they were not individual, sovereign human beings, but a Barbie display box of stereotypical features. …
We can agree on that, and I apologize for making it sound like I assumed all of the Asian partners were fresh off the boat, and not assimilated Americans.
I'm so glad you said this. You're so right, it is not as simple as labeling women "bitter racists" for wondering why the men they grew up with, the men whose values and experiences they most closely share, do not think they're good enough as life partners.
In your case, it's more like dicksplaining.
LOL, you've just amplified the sexism in the Disney executive's mansplaination, with a bonus soupcon of dinosaurish "we can't change things because that's the way it's always been."