
I won’t watch this (thanks for doing that for me, Bobby) and I don’t care about Giada so this is really just an excuse to get this off my chest. But Ellen SUCKS as a talk show host. She’s fucking straight up bad at it. Whenever she isn’t just straight up mean she’s forced and insincere.

Kendall is pretty. Pretty boring! But all the major fashions rags mags can airbrush that into the glossy alien looks they skew to.

I don’t get to be hot or sexual very often and you don’t see me bitching about it. Put on some Netflix, some yoga pants with the mystery stains and open a jar of nutella and deal with it like a big girl!

Testino, who clearly understands Jenner better than I do, suggested that her photo shoots may be less “sexual” because others regard her as a high-fashion model.

And I, middle aged, stretched marked, nearly 50 with a disabled husband, will do the same if the Kardashian’s dissolve as peacefully as the first generation of Hilton’s. May Kendall and Kylie lose Instagram followers, be cropped out of more photos, and Anna Wintour delete their phone numbers. I shall forever devote

Undeserved peak Kendall Jenner. She was made a high-fashion model but she’s not it. If you compare her to the greats, she’ll always be Kendall Jenner in different clothes. She has no capacity to disappear into looks or be a chameleon.

There’s a person called E.G. Daily...

Her Mom wishes

Well of course she doesn’t. You essentially told her she was being hysterical, and dismissed her point of view entirely. And yes, it can always happen here. The U.S. being less religious than its ever been means nothing, especially when you have people in power who want to cram their religion down our throats, and

That was horrifying too. And also the trial scene. You just got the sense from the tone of the voices that this was routine. The judge almost sounded cheerful. So chilling.

Well ... I’d go as far as to say there are too many husbands (and boyfriends, and fathers, and uncles, and dude professors, and male bosses, and you get the point) who think like that - otherwise we wouldn’t have the Nectarine Narcissist installed (yes, I used that word deliberately) in the WH.

GOT violence doesn’t really shock me, or I guess I would say, it rarely sticks with me, as gory as it can get.

Can I extrapolate this to how men generally view this shit, or no, just my husband?

When I was in college there was a guy on my floor who said he couldn’t sign up for a dorm community service project because his heart was “too big” and it was hard for him to recover. Which was a neat way of looking at it, because it not only got him off the hook for being selfish, but also turned it around on the

Yeah, there is no way a man can be affected by that show the way a woman can. I don’t buy that men can’t watch for self-care reasons. It just makes them vaguely uncomfortable. They should be forced to watch.

The plain leathergoods are nice—especially the vintage stuff! It’s when they went for overprivileged teens that they really tanked the aesthetic. Those Cs on canvas are horrifyingly ugly.

It’s what teenagers with rich parents and like, adults with no style but big disposable income like to buy.

I “broke up” with a dude friend of 20 years over this exact conversation, except it was about final season Joan in Mad Men.