
I thought a lot about the car scene. Somehow I wanted her to be angrier, more forceful. Then I thought, you wouldn’t want her to look like she’d gone crazy, like she “wasn’t herself.” It’s almost more effective if she looks scared and confused but keeps going anyway.

I noticed that too and thought it was interesting. Almost like it’s an indicator that the religious cult is starting to take a noticeable hold in open society. No one looks twice or thinks it’s strange.

I was really on the fence about Alexis being cast, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised. I’m still not sure someone else might have done better (I was not a huge fan of the her acting in the car scene, but maybe that was also the directing), but she’s been decent.

I feel like the old TV commercial with the people who smacked themselves on the forehead saying “I could’ve had a V8!!”. Substiute V8 for “Sane, hot and literate president”. Justin, if you feel a little cold, we’d be happy to have you move here-just sayin’.

Ugh. Here, have some Justin Trudeau exercise pics as a palate cleanser.

He’d likely be the guy that picks at stuff on other’s plates without asking as well.

I so agree. If an author or screenwriter tried to submit a story with a character as over-the-top as Trump, it would be immediately returned with a stern note that the writer lacks the ability to create a believable character or plot.

It’s uncanny. He seriously has the taste of a four year old.

That appears to be professional golfer John Daly rather than Donald Trump.

With any luck, he will keep believing this.

How is it possible that this motherfucker has THE WORST possible taste with everything. Literally everything. He’s a fucking caricature.

But remember, he’s the healthiest president ever!

Sleeveless short work dresses are the enemy. Why is it so hard to find a nice work dress with sleeves that covers most of my thighs? At least with the midi trend the last few years I have been able to find a few dresses that actually go to my knees. I’m only 5'8" too so I can’t image tall ladies have it any easier.

Plus everything is polyester. Barf.

I feel you, but some people just don’t dance. My uncle refused to dance at his own wedding! Almost like he has a fear of dancing/embarrassing himself. Lovely guy though.

The Human body is a beautiful thing.

I have to agree. He got tapped by the guy’s sleeve. In my day (grumpiness warning) I could be spewing blood and I’d have to slink over to an understanding adult to quietly report the incident. An elected official? I’d be apologizing for getting blood on his nice new suit. Not even kidding.

“Soup wall”, I love it.

She’s used to being ignored. Usually because instead of sitting down with the family for dinner Ted takes a can of soup off the soup wall and eats it shirtless by himself in a dark room. God forbid if she might be in the way of a can of cream of chicken.

I feel more sorry for Heidi Cruz than I do for Melania (zero sympathies with that money-grabbing bitch). I feel as though Heidi fell in love/wanted to “save” Ted, they had their girls, and now she feels trapped. She always looked kind of sad anytime she was interviewed or on stage with him. Even his own daughters