
Oh man, there’s so much here. First you need to know that the house Bill that passed was a cynical ploy to get a mark in the win column. The bill is almost the same as the bill that failed 6 weeks ago. Republican leadership pushed it through to neutralize the Freedom Caucus. The Senate isn’t going to touch the bill

It doesn’t work that way. Schools can be academically rigorous and still have a rampant binge-drinking culture. They’re not mutually exclusive.

I am going to order pizza, drink beer, and have a Game of Thrones marathon. Then I am going to paint my nails.

What a lovely group of people. Show’s how little they know of the word “fraternity” when they abandon someone to die simply because they’re cowards.

When Mother Nature sweeps her pandemic scythe across the fields of the human race, the remnants of the other species of this world will stand and cheer our demise.

“I have a yuge pile of crumpled suits in my bedroom, really a tremendous pile, probably the biggest, I’ve been told that. The wrinkles? The wrinkles are the wrinkliest wrinkles, you’re not going to find wrinkles like this on any other suit. Really, no one knows looking like an enormous horse’s ass more than me, no

“Perhaps your president doesn’t feel like he needs to prove anything anymore because he’s done it all,” Sebag-Montefiore muses.

Dude! I wasted hours and hours of should-have-been-wriiting-my-dissertation time reading her Twilight and 50 Shades stuff. I emailed her Twilight stuff to one of my friends because he’d developed a distinct revulsion to Twilight due to his then=gf’s utter obsession. Hilarious. And I read two of the Twilight books -

This will be followed by a television series about a group of twentysomethings who saw this movie about a group of women reading a book and were inspired.

what’s so wrong with rousey wanting some hookers?

I can tell he’s a pig by his response.

“Actresses were routinely called “too fat,” “too ugly” and “too old.”

Came here to say this.

No, Jane Horrocks is Bubble.

Directions not clear. Arrow in dick. On my way to hospital.

What I’m really saying is, did any of the other Olds on here read Adbusters back in the day?

Nick is the best! That whole movie was delightful actually, I legit bellylaughed through the whole thing especially the part with the DMV

You know, back in the 90s and early 00s there was all this hysteria about Disney’s hegemony over kids’ media, and cries of “Oh my god we’re brainwashing an entire generation!!! What will the future be like? They won’t be able to think for themselves!!!”

Hot take: The Jenner Kardashians won’t go away until we collectively stop paying attention to them. Stop giving them their power.