

My biggest problem with the Ringer is that it's impossible to find a list of the most recently published articles. I don't care which ones are popular enough to be on the front page. I want to read the ones that interest me.

Well, Palin is an Iron Dog racer, not Iditarod, so no sled dogs…

Well, I suppose I'm obligated to read this so I can complain about all the things it gets wrong about my state..

Puke. They wanted Jeb and would have been happy with Rubio or Kasich. They may not have preferred Cruz to Trump, but it was close.

Hah! Nice try! I know the Kremlin's half-way around the world from here. (Seriously, guys, Russia's gigantic).

Also, we have the most diverse high school in the nation.

You know that the most likely pro-Clinton operative at the convention is Donald Trump, right? Seeing as he's donated to her campaigns in the past…

Hey, I resent that shot at Alaska. We have more than one Muslim up here. I think there's even a mosque that was built a couple of years ago!

I wonder if she's planning on running the Iditarod. I saw the picture on the front page and I thought "Ice Cube? No, it's home!"

Based on Snow, which is an absolutely terrific novel, the days, weeks, months, maybe even years ahead are going to be harrowing for residents of Turkey. And they would have been either way.

Jenny Lewis's guest turn on Brandon Flowers first solo album is pretty darn good, too.

You can see the full photo on the front page!

PBS shows better than Bill Nye and running more or less concurrently (according to my [admittedly shaky] memory). Nature. Reading Rainbow, others.

"Did you know that?"

Harmonquest is finally out on Seeso, so time to cash in that free one-month subscription…

And Allison Pill!

"Hero continues to post Jeopardy! recaps, saves WOT."

But if Dowd gave a blockbuster a B+, we'd basically have to see it.

Sasse is my current favorite Senator.