
Fair enough.

I think presidential primaries should be closed. I'm fine with open primaries for local offices.

The only thing that matters is if it's funny. Sounds like it's funny enough.

As a conservative, soooooo much! I get past it though, as long as it's well done entertainment. I don't worry about whether they give my ideology a fair shot.

I'm not interested if you can't date Natalie Dormer with it.

Well, they did change it so the Vice President wasn't whoever got the second most votes, so…

The current primary system was supposed to stop a populist candidate like Trump. Boy did that ever backfire…

If she picked him (validating that theory that he was her plant to ensure a victory, I might add), they'd lose to basically any reasonable Republican replacement. Of course, I've lost faith in the likelihood of Republicans ever picking a reasonable candidate.

They read white power twitter accounts for advice. I think we're fine here…

If that was really true, they wouldn't vote for Trump, who advocates for expanding government power (whether he knows it or not) and actually seemed to oppose that North Carolina law.

From what I can tell, Mormons tend to be conservative, but they are much more accepting of immigration/immigrants than the typical Trumpite. (Rightly, I might-but-shouldn't-have-to add).

Well, I wanted him out of the race the moment he entered it, so don't blame me!

I find The Middle being on the list rather surprising… since it's the explicitly lower-middle class/working class sitcom.

I firmly believe she'll beat Trump no matter who she picks, but considering how extremely unpopular Trump is with women, might as well double-down and have a doubly-historic ticket.

And Utah!

As a conservative, I'm biased, and I'd very much like him out of here at the convention.

As a non-Democrat, I kind of think she should choose Elizabeth Warren.

Yeah, when I saw the rumor, I looked it up. I think she's 35 in October.

The leader of the #Freethedelegates movement claims they have enough rules committee votes to force a vote on the floor. Here's hoping…

I find the most recent one (which is usually on the front page, just way down) and click on the WOT sub-header. Control + F is my friend.