
I don’t know, chiming in on a soccer thread to tell everyone you don’t enjoy soccer is pretty boring and pointless.

I speak for most Brewer fans when I say Fu(k Kato Kelin. Please stop covering him.

Dr. Seuss atoned for his youthful mistakes. The messages in his books are overwhelmingly positive, tolerant, inclusive, and open minded. Writing them off as “racist propaganda” because of what he did (wrong) for the war effort is bullshit.

Gee, I can understand that they do not need more books, being an already fluent city wanting more tablets and Kindles and so on, however all that fuss about Dr. Seuss and turning something clearly innocent like a donation of children’s books into a great political punch is something worthy of Donald Trump.

I really enjoyed Michael explaining to Jason that they are in the bad place like it didn’t really matter - then it turning out to be not because he was going to do a reset, rather because he knew Jason totally wouldn’t get it.

The golden rule in The Good Place writers’ room seems to be “Never put off until next episode, that which you can do this episode.”

Sure, but let’s see if he can pull this off for another month without breaking his collarbone.

Hating the Patriots is not biased, it’s just good sense.

If you watch the video for “The Man,” it seems like it was supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek song. It’s basically Brandon Flowers playacting as a bunch of overconfident losers. There’s really nothing in the lyrics to indicate that though.

The whole thing is clearly taking the piss, I can’t imagine anyone listening to it and actually thinking it’s meant to be serious.

Nested. Comments.

Kinja really sucked the life out of this site.

Seth MacFarlane is awful, but this feels like a show that didn’t have to suck but likely will - its ambitions ultimately cut-down by the limited talents of its creators.

Bring back Other Space.

His idiotic essay was on a widely read site. It’s fair.

He was complaining that Chicago is expensive. He’s from San Francisco, for god’s sake. That alone made me realize how full of shit he is.

I think regular women get this all the time too.

Hey, you may not have meant it this way, but your comment could also be applied to the sex act aka intercourse.

Hollywood Handbook ep 199 was great. I’d write about Handbook every dang week if I could (and I’ve tried). Here’s a thing I hope everyone can keep in mind when it comes to Podmass: All of us pitch tons of shows. They don’t always get through! That’s just the way it works. Writing about one show doesn’t mean we’re

To some extent I agree: Podmass seems more interested in shining a brief light on podcasts we haven’t heard of more than it’s into checking in with the ol’ standbys. But they did vocally pivot from “Here’s the cream of the crop of the cream of the crop,” so it’s hard to fault them for it as though it came out of