
My question about the A-Bomb is, and has always been, were there no military targets that were not in cities that could have been bombed first? We had two bombs! If the military target didn't work, then (maybe) you could consider bombing a city.

Alright, I am not nor do I plan to be a member of the Libertarian party.

Yeah, I got the Orwell thing the first time around.

Stick "We Used to be Friends" somewhere in iZombie, please.

Crosby touched the Prince of Wales trophy, so the Sharks are going to win.

I hadn't heard about that at all, and I'm very curious as to why it didn't come up at all during the campaign.

I prefer Mcafee or Petersen to Johnson solely on a couple of issue differences between them. I don't think any of the three (or Clinton, or Trump) would make a good president, and I wouldn't be happy to vote for them. I'd pick Rand Paul before any of them in a heartbeat.

The Lebron James of eSports is Faker.

I hope someone other than Gary Johnson wins the Libertarian nomination, so I have someone I could vote for. Is it too much to ask for someone to go back in time and tell Rand Paul this is the ideal year to run as a Libertarian?

Sounds like this is right up my alley!

Hmmm… there's a Spanish soccer player named Juanfran…

HIMYM was awesome (for, I don't know… 4 years?) and watchable for the remainder. I am not ashamed of liking it.

But what if the mainstream is full of nonsense?

Well, if Douglas Adams quotes are any indication, you're in good company!

And since when did Franzen go by Jon?

When I Needed You is my favorite song off that Carly Rae Jepson album.

Priyanka Chopra has boatloads of charm.

Second season wasn't dumb. Second season was awesome!

ABC breaks my heart yet again… Oh well, what's the next little-seen half-hour comedy that they'll air and I'll love and they'll cancel too soon?

There are a fair number of AVClubbers who enjoyed Middleman and wish it could come back.