
Re: Natalie Morales

You might have trouble finding Baked Alaska up here http://tinyurl.com/h98jjbg
. Maybe eat some salmon, instead? You know experience some of what you're trying to save?

It was decent, and it reversed the worst parts of Mostly Harmless.

I was an English major. I know how to use words good!

Non-canonical, literally, in the original meaning of the word.

Psst… You can add words to your spell check's dictionary.

They're pretty fun to re-read, so there's that…

2011 The Wise Man's Fear

The only part of the Hobbit adaptation that I actually liked was the part before they ever leave Bilbo's home. I quite liked that they did a pretty good job setting the actual lyrics from the book to music.

Because the original is a masterpiece and Closing Time is not.

Serves me right for skimming the article on the way down to the comments…

All of the sequels on this list that I have read, with the sole sterling exception of Huckleberry Finn, are huge disappointments that would have been better left unwritten or unpublished. (The Lord of the Rings is distinct enough that I wouldn't really call it a sequel.)

If I were a billionaire, David Stearns would have a blank check to rebuild the Brewers… The Nationals? not so much.

I donno, has Patrick Rothfuss been given a million dollars to just finish Doors of Stone already?

She's Abed's girlfriend on a couple episodes of Community.

Palicki is awesome, but I'm not sure how she beats out Clooney.

Brie Larson is amazing, and I'm sad that you are not familiar with her (and her presence will get me to watch SNL, which I haven't done in a year or so [and I'm rather happy with this]).

I donno… I think Iron Man pretty much proved the Marvel Cinematic Universe would work and deserves some credit for that.

If I were a billionaire (which I sadly am not) one of the things I'd do would be to write a $50 million check for the Community movie (contingent on the return of Donald Glover, because the Troy and Abed friendship was the heart of the show). I'm pretty sure I wouldn't make my money back, but it'd be worth it. And I'd

Among his other crimes, Trump has now destroyed the meaning of a perfectly good word. Instead of "play a card that automatically wins the trick," to trump means "make the worst possible choice."