
Kasich isn't just delusional. He handed Trump the nomination.

I think prunes are delicious.

If Aaron Hill was still a major league player, they would have won last night.

Rand Paul would have had a real chance in a non-Trump year.

What the hell happened to Jungmann? He was so good those first 11 starts! It can't have been pitching more innings than he was used to, since he's been just awful so far this season.

I actively dislike Kasich (probably for slightly different reasons than most of the people here).

The Brewers avoided being no-hit by Jake Arrieta today, so that's good. The bad news is they have to face him tomorrow, since they were rained out today…

One very important thing I saw pointed out - "America First" was a slogan used by Nazi sympathizers (most prominently Lindbergh) attempting to keep the US out of WWII.

As near as I can figure it out, it's an attempt to attack what should be Trump's biggest weakest (of which there are just so many): how utterly terrible he is towards women.

I'm ambivalent about this season finale : on the one hand, they didn't follow through on the stakes of Brian taking NZT sans immunity or take the POI-type narrative leap I've been hoping for and have always thought the show could take… on the other hand, the Legion of Whom scenes were fun (though they didn't make good

Your Thunder will be beaten by the eventual champion Spurs. They are inevitable now that Curry's hurt.

Grinder's cancellation is a forgone conclusion, isn't it?

They do. I just wanted to rub it in that guy's face.

You are doing God's work, Palmer.

Or has already haunted him for months…

The Xanthippe-Kimmy pairing is my favorite on the show… it's a shame it's so underused.

Yeah, he said that the only job he'd be qualified for was janitor.

I like to imagine that as soon as you start writing WOT, you start working on your exit WOT so that it will be appropriately epic.

New Grinder! It's (probably) a finite resource now…

Well, they sort of implied he won't be getting any… They said he lost his access to the booster shot.