
The key to a farewell WOT is weirdness. Write a weird/epic enough WOT, and everyone will notice.

Seconded. This is an excellent idea.

Haha, nice try but they're all asleep ri

I've got no problems with changing the format. My objection is to changing the posting time.


Can there be an empty post at this time for those of us who are normally around for WOT? 7:00 AST is not a time when I am ever conscious.

I won't. I'm not up then.

I, for one, will never ever be around when it goes up. Midnight central time is 9:00 PM Alaska time, which is perfect for me.

I donno, Morra's just as creepy trying to be nice, what with his talk about "who's going to build the next [world]." You only have to build a new world if the old one's in ashes…

Ideally, they want you to kiss them and take them to dinner and stuff.

Limitless. It's new. I like it and think you should watch it, but whatever floats you're boat, I guess…

Is that how the tie-breaker works now? I always forget.

"Bless you! Also, you're wrong."

The Old Man and the Sea is amazing. And it's so very spare! My favorite Hemingway, aside from Moveable Feast.

Well, crap, if this is an easier Chabon to get through, that doesn't bode well for me reading Kavalier & Clay.

Sword of Honour is quite funny in places, but the underlying emotion is more despair than anger. The anger is there, though.

Part of what I want from alternate history is some sort of anchor to real history (otherwise, why not just write normal fiction?), which I'm just not getting. I'm about halfway through; maybe it'll click into place.

Brideshead Revisited is a masterpiece. Waugh doesn't get the respect he deserves - Sword of Honour should be nearly as widely read as Catch-22.

I'm currently on an alternate history kick, inspired by the Lovecraft Country review and comments section. Struggling my way through Yiddish Policeman's Union (I should love this book, as alternate history set in Alaska, but I just can't read it quickly).

The first book of the Sword of Truth is one of the most poorly written things I've ever read. I did not read the rest…