
I yelled so hard I startled everyone in my house at the end of that game, then I flipped over to St. Joe/Cinci and yelled again.

That poor kid from Cincinnati!

It's been awhile since my last read, but I remember fewer essays in War and Peace than in Les Mis. If you want to try some different Tolstoy, Anna Karenina is pretty short on essays.

Duke should have lost. Got saved by some horrible refereeing and the inability to find Marshall Plumlee on box-outs and in transition.

Waaaaayyyy underseeded. Wouldn't be surprised to see them in the Elite Eight. (Would only be mildly surprised to see them in the Final Four).

It's on my local ABC station, so… no.

Always pick the 12-seed Ivy League school. Always.

War and Peace is a damn masterpiece and it is an excellent use of your time!

Well, yeah.

These are my absolute favorite four sports days of the year. Sweet, sweet March Madness, how I love you!

Hampton should be prepared to be Pack-Lined to death.

There are a few of us who played/watched high school basketball at some point in our lives…

If the nominee is Trump, I'm starting to believe there will be a third-party conservative ticket. Romney/Haley or Romney/Sasse or somesuch.

Kasich literally cannot win enough delegates to win before the convention… and if it goes to a contested convention, I'd put my money on Romney.

This a good place for me to make my semi-weekly plea that people watch tonight's Limitless. It's set up to be a darn good episode, you guys, darn good!

I picked ND State, 'cause I always pick way too many first-round upsets.

It's the classic "heckler's veto" conundrum.

Are you unfamiliar with the concept of a protest vote? You don't have to vote for someone who has a chance to win the election.

Well, crap. Write in the name of whichever parent you like best?

You could always write in your own name!