
I'm anti-Trump Republican. I'll vote third-party.

The other Republican candidates (at least, Kasich and Rubio) came very close to indicating that they wouldn't support Trump if he gets the nomination, no matter what they pledged at the start of the campaign. I'm usually very critical of people breaking their word, but if there was ever a justified time to do so, this

I hadn't heard about it, but wow, that's mind-bendingly dumb. Easiest explanation for people being anti-Trump is that they don't like Trump! Occam's Razor, Mr. Tyson, I'm certain you're familiar with it.

Also, he straight-up lied about the police telling him to cancel the event.

Not just a conservative reporter, but a reporter for a site that's basically all pro-Trump all the time. And a site that refuses to back her up.

I'm a huge Badgers fan, but let me talk you down a bit, Les. There's no way in hell they're getting back to the Final Four. Maybe next year, if Hayes stays. Not this year.

I didn't watch it because I've given up hope, but apparently the Trump alternatives have effectively ceded him the nomination by backing off on the debate attacks.

I mean, I've played all of them after that, the gameplay goes downhill, though the graphics (I suppose) get better.

Every Heroes of Might and Magic after III. I love the concept of the series, but it's just so poorly implemented after III.

Hey, that's Alison Pill! I like Alison Pill.

Carson beat Kasich in 7 of the Super Tuesday states. Even Carson finally realized that it's time to drop out. Kasich only has a shot in Ohio.

Romney or Senator Sasse, who's basically taken the lead on the #NeverTrump movement and is well liked in the party.

No, I don't think he could. No one on the conservative side of the party likes the guy.

Kasich can't hit the delegate threshholds in red states. Rubio can. Kasich should drop out. Ask Rubio for whatever the hell he wants, but drop out. Anything else and he's just helping Trump.

Trump underperformed his polls, Rubio and Cruz overperformed many of theirs. Kasich cost Rubio Virginia. Fuck Kasich. Carson still isn't dropping out. Fuck Carson.

I know sports! If I ever get on, I pledge to go right to the sports categories.

The Grinder - watch it!

That makes me think… I really would have been interested in her answer to the supervillain plan question, since she was on Middleman and all.

No, but this one will work! And it's also not evil…

OMG, OMG, Natalie Morales is great in everything I've ever seen her in! She should be the star of her own show! Maybe one where she's an ordinary person recruited by a fake temp. agency to be a superhero's sidekick?