I loved being able to say I was a Kelly Girl! But I wish I could also teach people to waltz and leverage that.
I loved being able to say I was a Kelly Girl! But I wish I could also teach people to waltz and leverage that.
Welcome to the banned club.
that gif is both deeply satisfying and really disturbing. god i hate cabbage.
I spent my 37th consecutive one alone. Yesterday I spent $30 on half-off Valentine’s Day candy.
I feel trapped in my job. It was a bait and switch. It’s been nearly 6 months and I still haven’t been trained for the job I was hired for. Now they’ve stuck me at the front desk as a receptionist for whatever reason and I’m miserable. It’s a job that is beyond overwhelming and leaves me depressed, stressed out, and…
Relocated to Phoenix for 10 months. That’s how long I made it. No.
I’m sorry, pig product puns[is]ter. I spent every Valentine’s Day alone until I was 28. I’m not going to say it was worth the wait because that guy was a miserable human being that turned everything—including Valentine’s Day—into a fight. I decided being alone was better, dumped him, and promptly met my husband. Some…
Everyone else in the room had a very carefully blank look while this was going on, but were secretly embarrassed for this woman for displaying such ignorance. It was an instructive moment, since the purpose of the workshop was to instruct us on the history of white, colonial oppression on the First Nations, and this…
Oy freakin’ vey.
Weights, walking and stretches. If you are hunching over a keyboard, like most of the world these days, try this stretch over a foam roller 5-10 minutes a day. It will help stretch the pectorals in the front, and relieve the trapezius and rhomboids in the back, open up the chest, and improve posture. It really works.
I’m not a fan of gyms and whatnot. What about a bicycle? Walking to one stop further on your bus/subway route?
My workplace requires that all staff attend a First Nations sensitivity training session, and the facilitators are First Nations counselors. Our facilitator was talking about the range of religious beliefs in the various tribal groups; the Ojibwe have their own world origin story, which is different from the Hopi, etc.
Replying to let you know you are not alone. I am 32 with about 6 years of recovery from bulimia and all six of my front top teeth are more or less fake (either implants or crowns). The dental stuff sucks and is often like the last piece of recovery, if you want to look at it that way. It can be a long and difficult…
This might stay in the greys but I thought I’d put it down in text somewhere. I feel like I’m finally starting to move past some of the grief of my divorce, and a large part of that was having something casual begin, exist, and then end in the nicest of ways.
Between spending Valentine’s Day alone for the 25th consecutive year (out of 25 total years of life lol) and the grind of trying to get more freelance work in order to save money and move out of the small town I’m stuck in not producing any leads or money recently, I had a mental breakdown Thursday and Friday. Lots of…
For some reason Christianity is slapping me in the face this week. I don’t understand why people assume Christianity is the default. It isn’t. Lots of other faiths and no religion is good by me too. I have tried pointing out as gently as I can that not everyone is Christian but for the evangelical ones... grrrrrr...
I want to apologize in advance. I am such a bummer I am sure but this really is one of the only outlets I have.