
When I waited tables, I once got in trouble because I had a table stay 2hrs past closing as they sat, drank water, and talked. They could hear me calling them assholes and being pissed off.

Yes, this column was a serious misrepresentation of what happens in a kitchen towards the end of the night. Whoever wrote this either never actually worked in a restaurant, or always had a terrible relationship with the cooks.

This is absolutely 100% wrong.

I also disagree on the waitstaff getting to leave promptly after their last table leaves. Every place I worked, the servers had closing prep just like the back of the house did. We had to clean our stations, and we generally couldn’t do stuff like vacuum while there were still guests in the dining room. I would say

I washed dishes one summer, and I’d disagree on the impact of a last minute arrival on the kitchen. It’s pretty common for kitchens to be getting a head start on cleanup before the door is locked. Grills are being cleaned, deep fryer baskets are getting washed, the floor mats are out in the alley getting hosed off....

My rule is:

If you can’t order, eat, and pay by 10 minutes before closing, then don’t go in to a proper, full-service restaurant. That’s what fast food and all-night diners are for.

And if it can’t be helped and your server is scrambling to get your order taken care of, leave a generous tip.  But you should know that

I first saw him in The Hitcher, and I thought he was absolutely terrifying in it. I probably didn’t see Blade Runner until after I saw Ladyhawke, all of which showed what a great range he had.


Mary Louise and her ‘I never said you were a bad mother, but if we have to be totally honest, you’re sleeping with a lot of men and that must be distressing...’ jibes remind me a LOT of my mother-in-law when she gets started. Some people are really good with the ‘I’m just asking a question’ barbs and you’re left

Well put. I like that the show showed these layers of complexity rather than reducing her to a black-and-white villain.

I have to say I loved the Starbucks scene where Renata and Mary Louise get into it, Renata storms off, at which point Mary Louise offers to take Renata’s coffee because they are going to the same place.

Not challenging you here, but why did you find Ed so compelling? To me that character was an utter bore. One issue I have with Adam Scott is that he rarely seems to have genuine chemistry with the actresses he’s paired with. I’m not sure I really bought him and Madeline as a couple.

“The lie is the friendship” — I took that line as acknowledgment that some of these women aren’t actually friends. In what world, for ex, would Jane and Renata be interacting realistically as peers, let alone friends? And Bonnie has basically remained an outlier to the group.

Because the confession has nothing to do with Celeste’s ability to parent her children. 

They should have just let the character Celeste be Australian. Back in S1, they showed that one of things about her that appealed to Perry was that she was not close with her family (so he could control her more), It would have sense if she’d come to the US from another country, making her family that much more far

Really disagree about Reneta being a crazy woman for doing that. Her husband is completely ruining her life and doesn’t give a shit, and he’s so oblivious to her wants and needs as a person that he thinks she’ll care about him keeping the train. Smash that shit up.

Renata would NEVER.

Every single episode started with the same fucking flashback of “YOU DIDN’T PUSH HIM.” I get the decision for consistency but I really think we only needed to see it once, particularly since we saw the whole scene in the season before.

Westworld, Barry, Watchmen, Righteous Gemstones, Last Week Tonight. Plus the movies. I'm still in for a few years at least.