
I’ve actually heard of that happening. You’re not the only one. But I bet you’ve never accidentally drained the transmission fluid instead of the oil, have you? Can you imagine how stupid one would feel if one had made such a mistake?

“I see no end to this party!”

“Pfffttt! We didn’t have to do anything to make ours brown.”


The ‘70s are the “golden age of muscle cars?”

This is an article a cop would post...

I don’t know, I think the chance a Mustang GT would have showed up is pretty low.

Out of the grey! Yeah I’ve watched all of them and Martyn is truly inspirational.

There is one car guy who comes to mind. He was really a DIY mechanic by necessity; his family didn’t have a lot of money, so whenever something broke, he was the one who fixed it. Appliances, plumbing, electrical, cars, whatever. He inherited a ‘49 Buick Super Eight from a family friend, and that became his project,

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If you like this, definitely check out Danny’s other videos. They are amazing and fun to watch. My favorite is his reverse nose manual down a hill.

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At least they’ve brought in a few gadgets since the snore-fest Bourne-rip that was Casino Royale.

Rolling coal is a juvenile “fuck you” to reality. To the reality that climate change exists and that we are all collectively responsible for it. It’s a immature automotive tantrum that goes far beyond knee jerk “don’t tell me what to do.” It is flaunting the fact that they don’t give a shit about how their actions

The narrator... almost made the video unwatchable.

Graft versus Host disease is real my friends...

Sabotage? I can’t stand it.