
I know that’s how I live my life, one quarter-mile at a time.

Serious question- On that M5 what causes the big puff of smoke that comes out around 3/4 of the way through the pull? Comes out of the left then right exhaust, is that some sort of variable valve thing hitting at 6K RPM?

I’ll echo everyone else here, take the dance class!! My girlfriend in college forced me to take a salsa dance class (big mistake on her part!). First day of class you had to exchange your number with 10 people of the opposite sex. There were about 75 girls and 25 guys in the class. Best day of my life having a line of

Please post every year. I never get tired of White Chocolate highlight vids.

Waste Management employee here... Now I just need to figure out how to get the boss to let me expense a WM green Porsche.

A friend of mine in college had a nice WRX with a few aftermarket upgrades. We all drove beaters so his was the nicest car of the group. He was changing the oil and asked another friend of ours to help with it for some reason.

Now playing

These guys all do amazing things on what are pretty much stock road bikes. I hit a pothole at 15mph on my road bike and I’m pulling over to thank the bike gods I didn’t die (and clean my shorts out).

LOL... I had to stop when they started talking about how great this Nathan is. You put an engine from one car into another- you’re not the first to do that and you didn’t cure cancer. Get over yourself.

Get your tinfoil hat ready, true story from this weekend. I was in downtown LA at an Irish bar and got to talking to a guy who said he was an intern at SpaceX. He started out by saying “I shouldn’t tell you this but...” and I was immediately interested.