
A lie, if repeated often enough, will eventually be regarded as truth by those who wish it to be true.

A lie connected to one of the few largely shared moments of patriotism/outrage/national pain will be enshrined as holy writ on a first pass, largely because even nearly twenty years on, people are still afraid to say,

Yemen is possibly the greatest humanitarian nightmare in the world right now. But apart from the fact that Iran influence was a false justification for the KSA/UAE campaign against them, the parallels are really weak between the two cases. Obama’s foreign policy was flawed, but this is bordering on whataboutism.

“When the market fell apart in 2008 and after 9/11, this is almost like that at the border!”

No, it’s worse. And it’s worse than the internment camps during WWII. Anyone who knows anything about what is actually happening on the border knows this. Imagine fleeing persecution only to find worse persecution.

Man, I am getting so freezing sick these stupid Republican wars! So many lives lost, so much money, so many new terrorists created, so much distraction from economic inequality and the climate crisis.

yeah, this guy

Do I have a sense if he’ll return and this is all just posturing?

he’s an attorney at global patent group llc.

Good. Maybe we can focus on the actually fun and good game of tennis instead of the tantrums of a man that has the same number of Grand Slam wins as Tim Burgdorf, who is a person that I just made up for illustrative purposes.

Is this a sex thing? This seems like a sex thing. 

Get well Drew.

I work with children with disabilities. For the past 3 months, I have been working with a 7-year-old who had a stroke. He is back to walking recently. Last week, I walked into his 2nd-grade classroom to get him. He was sitting with a group of kids on the floor doing some lesson. He saw me and immediately got up on his

Re: Walking,

Can’t believe they asked you to raise two fingers and you didn’t go with Ol’ Faithful

I don’t know you personally but hopefully this isn’t weird. I’m just glad you’re ok man.

FWIW, your writing has never been better. Glad you’re still with us. 

Can’t tell you how many text messages I exchanged with friends seriously worrying about the health of a person I have never met and will likely never meet.

Jesus, man. This is harrowing. Like everyone else in the comments, I’m glad things didn’t go differently.

Much respect to Koons for swindling a swindler.

They’re bracket racing, which is a way for cars of different levels of performance to race against each other.